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Easy DIY Halloween Ideas: Box of Popcorn

Easy DIY Halloween Ideas: Box of Popcorn


  • Cardboard box
  • White and red duct tape
  • Yellow tissue paper
  • Red or white cap
  • Red shirt or sweatshirt
  • Red leggings or sweatpants
  • Two oval popcorn signs Printout
  • Plate (for tracing)
  • Double sided tape or hot glue
  • Scissors
  • Box cutter

Step 1: Cut out bottom side of box using a box cutter. Then fasten the remaining flaps shut with tape.
Step 2: Trace a plate on the top side of the box where the child’s head will be and cut out the circle using the box cutter. Using a ruler, draw and cut out equal rectangles on both sides of the box for the child’s arms.
Step 3: Cover the box completely in white duct tape. Attach red duct tape over the white duct tape to create a red and white striped pattern.
Step 4: Crinkle up yellow tissue paper and attach to the top of the box (the side with the hole for your child’s head) using double sided tape or hot glue.
Step 5: Tape or glue popcorn logos on the front and back of the box. Dress child in red sweatpants