Having kids does not have to mean that you have to surrender to clutter and give up on being an organizer.
Organizing your little ones is certainly a challenge, given the amount of stuff little ones require — toys, games, coloring books and dolls — all of which may seem outdated almost as soon as you buy them.
Parents clutter every room in their home trying to constantly entertain our kids. Plus, a prolific young artist can create even more stuff to be kept, even if it was drawn on the back of a Happy Meal napkin.
To help stem the tide of kid clutter, constant maintenance is needed. But you don’t have to do it alone: get your children vested in creating their own “memory boxes” that house all of their favorite items. Following these steps will not only get you organized, but will also create a keepsake to last a lifetime.
Involve Your Child From The Start
You can turn your little one into a budding historian by encouraging him to treasure the items he keeps. When kids take ownership of their projects, they are much more likely to keep them going over time.
Choose Wisely
You don’t need to keep every sketch from every stage of your young artist’s life, so be discriminating by keeping a few pieces that represent quality over quantity.
Get Boxing
Make your children part of the decision-making by finding something that represents their interests, even their favorite colour. Archival storage boxes can house paperwork or even keepsake clothing. Have each child customize their own box and consider other additions like video, photos, greeting cards and first pieces of jewelry.
Whittle Down Daily
The end of the day is a great time to transition your space and kids in preparation from day to night.
The best thing about this project is that it is something that you can do with your children — and isn’t that what making memories is all about? You will be creating a time capsule that you customized, so when your child moves out and takes that box with him, he will take along a precious part of his past.
Busting Child Clutter While Keeping Memories