Goodbye sand castles, hello classroom. With summer coming to an end, what better way to ring in the new school year with some fun crafts? Here are 34 craft ideas that will get your kids excited about returning to class. They make for great activities for nannies and kids, as well as teacher gifts.
1. Apple Notecards
Kids will love playing with sliced apples, dipping them in paint and creating one-of-a-kind greeting cards to give to their new teachers.
2. Chestnut Pencil Topper
If you’ve got a chestnut tree, reuse those nuts for a fun back-to-school craft your kids can show off in the classroom.
3. Apple Clay Jar
What teacher doesn’t like receiving an apple on the first day of school? This little jar will hold all her nick-knacks and decorate her desk. It will also look cute on your child’s desk at home too.
4. Rainbow Fish
Your own kids probably enjoy the story of Rainbow Fish. This craft will be a special reminder of the story as it keeps them company from one class to the next.
5. Star Names
Use special, shiny, star stickers to create a name card for each student in your child’s class. It’s fun and helps young children learn to spell their name.
6. School Bus Cake, Cupcake and Cookie
These edible crafts will keep older and younger children entertained and makes for a great teacher gift.
7. Block Print Burlap Pencil Bag
This idea is designed for older crafters, but will definitely be worth the effort in the end.
8. Chalkboard Cookies
What teacher doesn’t appreciate a good cookie to welcome her to the first day of classes? These adorable treats will be fun to make and give!
9. Pipe Cleaner Notebook
Here’s a way to keep a notebook clean and cool. All you need are some colorful pipe cleaners, glue and construction paper!
10. Sand Number Flashcards
Teaching children how to count can be a tricky process. These beach-themed cards will be remind them of summer and inspire them to learn how to count down the days until their next vacation.
11. Notebook Pocket
This craft will be a hit with older kids who are into sewing or fashion. This little pocket will keep all your students’ pens and pencils organized right where they need them.
12. Bottle Cap Locker Magnets
This is a great way to reuse all those old bottle caps that have been lying around the house and your teen will be ecstatic about these unique locker decorations.
13. Stamped Apple Tote
This is one of the most stylish back-to-school crafts you’ll make this year! A great gift for teachers, nannies or parents, it is fun, easy to make and useful, too.
14. Gumball Pencil
This is a great gift for teachers or students alike, and easy to create with kids of all ages. All it takes are five main “ingredients” and you’re all set!
15. Crayon Box
Don’t throw away the box your kid’s back-to-school shoes came in — turn it into an easy-to-make crayon box, easily accessible for all your future craft and homework projects.
16. Word Art Journal
If you’re like most families, you’ve probably got a few magazines and newspapers lying around the living room begging to be used. Well, there’s no better way to recycle those old magazines than to cut them up and let your child decorate their notebooks.
17. Egg Carton School Bus
Get kids back in the mood for that ride to school with this cute craft. All you need is an empty egg carton, pictures, glue and paints.
18. Initial Picture Frame
If you’re a snap-happy parent, this craft helps your kids show off their best poses. It can also be a great way for your child to look forward to picture day at school.
19. Pencil Wreath
This craft is something kids can work on with a bit of guidance. Take all of your favorite school supplies and combine them into one wreath, and you’ll easily get your family into the back-to-school spirit.
20. Pencil Vase
This craft is deceptively simple, but it turns out great in the end. All it takes is an empty can of soup, some pencils and glue. Moms and teachers will love this special craft — especially when accompanied by a hand-picked bouquet.
21. Backpack Tag
There are so many backpacks in the stores, but somehow your kid always picks the same one as two other kids in the class. How do you tell them apart? Make a backpack tag together!
22. Personalized Clipboard Organizer
Give your child their very own, unique clipboard for their first day back at school. Younger kids may need a hand with this craft.
23. Felt Bookmark
Make these easy and inexpensive bookmarks out of just a few pieces of felt. Kids of all ages can use them for their school books or even give them out to their friends.
24. Monster Tabletop Garbage Bags
This easy printable craft is perfect for young kids and will look adorable on their school desk. The perfect back-to-school craft for groups.
25. Back-to-School Pencil Holder
Spark your kids’ creativity with this craft that will help them stay organized through the school year.
26. Recycled Crayons
Instead of buying new crayons this year, gather all of your old crayons and help your kids make these fun-shaped crayons that will be a hit in the classroom.
27. Painted Mosaic Styrofoam Frame
Perfect for kids of all ages, this easy craft will help you create a great picture frame for class photos or first-day pictures.
28. Phone Cozy Tutorial
If your kids have cell phones, this craft is an inexpensive way to make an adorable phone cozy that fits perfectly in any backpack and protects the technology.
29. Mini Friendship Notebooks
The perfect craft for groups, best girl friends will love these cute notebooks they can use to keep in touch throughout the school year.
30. Tie Dye Lunch Bags
A great craft for boys and girls, these tie dye lunch bags are inexpensive and easy to make for a personalized tote for lunchtime.
31. DIY Keychains
For your older kids, this craft is a perfect and easy way for them to never lose their key to your house. Great tutorial with both his and hers designs.
32. Diva Locker Mirror
Help your little diva with this adorable Mod Podge mirror that they will love to see each time they open up their locker.
33. Drawstring Backpack
With help from a sewing machine, your child will love this homemade drawstring backpack that will stand out from the rest.
34. Pom Pom Pen
If you’re a crafty parent with scraps of fabric laying around, these cute pom pom pens will help clean up your craft room while getting your daughters excited for back-to-school season.
No matter the craft you decide on, your kids will certainly enjoy the time they spend working with their hands to make a creation all their own. You’ll love the special one-on-one time with the little ones before you bid them adieu.
Back-to-School Fun: 34 Kids Crafts