Caregiver duties are wide-ranging. One moment a caregiver may be shopping for meals or cleaning the carpet, and the next they could be discussing medication dosage with the pharmacist or arranging transportation for a specialist appointment. The caregiver, whether an employee or a family member, is responsible for ensuring continuity of care to the senior loved one, whatever that entails.
Since the role can be challenging, it is often best addressed through several helping hands—both paid and unpaid. Caregivers can be a parent, spouse, child, grandchild, neighbour, or hired worker. It is a challenging job that can change daily as the needs of the senior change.
Many Canadian seniors prefer to grow old in their own homes, creating more opportunities to help them experience dignity and fulfilment outside of long-term care facilities.
Because no two seniors’ needs are the same, the caregiving requirements for each person will differ. At some point in the care cycle, however, many of the following tasks may be required.
Please note that, in Canada, professional caregivers (HSWs, PSWs, CCAs, LPNs, etc.) may not be able to perform all of these duties as some may fall outside the defined scope of practice for their designation.
Caregiver duties and responsibilities
The most common tasks for in-home senior caregiving include:
1. Home management and care planning
It can be tricky to know just how much responsibility is involved in caregiving. One useful way to ensure proper coverage for all tasks is to create a care plan to manage all home and health responsibilities. This plan should be created with the input of the medical team, family members, and anybody else who provides services. From this plan, a basic timetable and budget can be devised to ensure that expectations for proper care are met.
2. Medical advocacy
While it’s useful to have one physician, such as a family doctor or geriatric specialist, overseeing all of a senior’s care, family members and caregivers will still need to take on the role of advocate to ensure that appointments are being made, medicines are properly prescribed, and issues are caught and addressed long before they become life-threatening. The caregiver may also be required to look over health insurance paperwork and doctor’s orders to make sure the senior loved one isn’t being overcharged or treated in a manner inconsistent with their care plan.
3. Prescription medication management
Medications are part of health care, and it can be tempting to have the same person handle everything. As people age, however, the number of medications they take can grow substantially. Some patients may take more than a dozen different medications at a time, and the sheer number of prescriptions makes it necessary to designate a dedicated caregiver to stay on top of prescriptions, including administration of medication, changes in dosage, and arrangements for refills. This caregiver should also regularly check on medication supply; in particular, since some pain prescriptions are a target for theft, controlled substances should be locked up and counted on a daily basis.
4. Help with personal hygiene and care
For many aging loved ones, help is only brought in once they start having difficulty with the more private activities of daily living (ADLs). Getting assistance with bathing, using the toilet, cleaning up after being sick, or washing and brushing hair can be critical for healthy aging at home. Since this kind of assistance can be a delicate matter, be sure that the caregiver is good-natured and patient. When hiring a caregiver to help with hygiene, make sure that they have proper training and experience, such as Personal Support Worker (PSW) or Continuing Care Assistant (CCA) certification.
5. Assisting with meals and nutrition
It’s not enough to ask a caregiver to make meals. In fact, since many older adults lose their appetites and take in fewer calories as they age, the food they eat must have the best nutritional value possible. You’ll also need to consider whether foods will interact with their medications or whether they have specific dietary requirements for conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes. Anyone handling grocery shopping, meal planning, and food preparation should work side by side with a dietitian or nutritionist to ensure that all meals and snacks complement the care plan for your loved one.
6. Help with mobility
Whether it’s learning to move someone safely from the wheelchair to the toilet or noticing the signs of an increased risk of falling, a caregiver needs certain vital skills to ensure safe movement both inside and outside the home. Proper methods for “transfer” (transitioning a person from one position to another) must be used to avoid injury to both the caregiver and the loved one. Caregiving can be hard on the body of the person helping, and the right knowledge can prevent pain in both the short and long term.
7. Home maintenance and basic housekeeping
A good caregiver should have basic cleaning and repair skills. They should have no problem helping out with tidying up or washing the dishes. By knowing how a toilet plunger works and feeling comfortable changing a lightbulb, a caregiver can also help a senior avoid expensive and unnecessary calls to repair professionals.
8. Transportation
As people age, they may tend to withdraw and avoid going out. A supportive caregiver can provide some normalcy by driving them not only to their medical appointments, but also to social events. Whether it’s to pick up books at the library or to get them to a much-needed dental cleaning, making sure that your loved one has the means to get around as they need— and want—will help to promote their health and quality of life.
9. Keeping them company
Caregivers are sometimes thought of as “companions”—and for a good reason. Relationships make a difference in supporting seniors through an illness or motivating them to stick to a strict dietary requirement. When surrounded by people they care about, seniors will feel a stronger sense of purpose as they work through the challenges of aging. Caregivers should make time for activities that support this goal. From playing games to just chatting over coffee, this more relaxed aspect of caregiving is also one of the most important.
10. Financial accountability
While the senior likely has someone handling their finances (usually a power of attorney), some support tasks can be assigned to a caregiver. These tasks can be anything from paying a utility bill to preparing taxes. The person responsible for these functions should be trusted and capable. Note that this particular duty would be outside the scope of practice of any hired caregiver.
11. Reporting and monitoring
All caregivers should be aware of “red flags” for an elderly loved one. Anyone who sees a reason for concern— whether it is a matter of health, mental state, or simply mood—should speak up immediately. A simple method of record-keeping can keep everyone on the same page—and is a mandatory part of most hired caregivers’ job. All caregivers should be willing to document what happens during a shift, as well as make recommendations for additional care when needed. Proper monitoring of these records can keep caregivers accountable and loved ones in the loop—even while far away.
This list isn’t exhaustive, and you’ll know the needs of your loved one best. If the caregivers you have in place aren’t qualified or willing to take on new responsibilities, someone else can be hired to fill in the gaps.
The benefits and rewards of caregiving
While keeping an older loved one happy and healthy is hard work, it yields benefits that shouldn’t be ignored. For those who are lucky enough to spend those precious years in a caregiving role, the bond that’s formed can be one of the closest they experience in their lives. As your older loved one becomes more vulnerable and depends on you for more of their basic needs, the opportunity to talk and get to know them may increase as well. Stories of their youth, tales of their dreams, and discussions of their wishes for their future can be abundant—even amid the fears and concerns of aging.
The trusted position of caregiver can also offer unique insight into life itself. Caring for an older loved one can help you truly appreciate how important it is to set up support systems for your golden years. This awareness can lead the way to conversations with your spouse and children about how you wish to be cared for in your later decades.
Finally, the privilege of caring for an elderly friend or relative can teach important lessons. You’ll get a peek into the patience and wisdom that comes with a life well lived. As the more important life and death decisions come front and centre, you’ll develop a perspective that keeps minor issues in their place. Being a caregiver can be demanding, and it isn’t something that everyone is cut out for—but it comes with rich rewards.