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10 Ways to Get Kids to Love School

10 Ways to Get Kids to Love School

love school

As the summer starts to wind to a close, kids know what’s coming. It’s the evil “s-word”: school! But school doesn’t have to be synonymous with fear, loathing, hatred, etc. for your kids. A parent’s attitude is contagious, so getting your kids to love school starts with youand your nanny. Here are ten ways you and your caregiver can get your kids on the right track for an enjoyable school year.

love school

1. Be a Role Model

As a parent, you’re often the most influential teacher in your child’s life, and if you employ a nanny, she or he is also a very important mentor. When parents read a book or take an adult education class, they’re modeling that everyone continues to learn–this is one way to instill a positive learning attitude in your children.

2. Maintain Respect

Think back to when you were in school–it’s likely you had some teachers you absolutely loved and some you weren’t too fond of. But regardless of your adoration (or disdain) for certain instructors, you were always taught to respect your elders. The same values should be instilled in your children. Speak respectfully about the teacher, so kids will respect and obey them, too.

3. Get Them Involved

School isn’t just about time spent in the classroom–it’s also about fun after-school activities, whether they be sports or clubs. Encourage your kids to pursue their interests outside of class and it will give them something else to look forward to when the school day is over.

4. Resist Overscheduling

Music lessons, football practises, art classes, karate tournaments. Many kids’ schedules are so packed that you need a real live personal assistant to help organise. While your child may love all of these after-school activities, and they’re great for socialising and improving future university applications, you don’t want your child to become overwhelmed.
Resist the urge–and your child’s begging–to sign up for tons of after-school activities. All children need some downtime, and the fewer distractions your child has, the more likely you are to keep homework hassles to a minimum. Talk to your children about the different activities they participate in, what they really enjoy doing and what can be cut from the schedule.

5. Set up a Homework Routine

Homework is a big part of the school experience, many of us grew up believing that the best place to do homework was alone in a quiet room at a tidy desk, sharpened pencils in hand. But lots of kids do better sprawled on their bedroom floor or sitting at the kitchen table. Let your child pick the spot! Just make sure there’s a relatively clutter-free surface on which to write, good light and no TV or blaring music.
It’s important to encourage homework before play. However, allow brief breaks during the homework, as kids’ minds will absorb more when they take brief interruptions from their studies. If your nanny or after-school sitter will be watching your kids in the afternoon, be sure to clue her/him in on the new homework spot and routine so your child’s regimen remains consistent.

6. Encourage Meaningful Relationships

In making new friends, quality is more important than quantity. Don’t force kids to be ‘popular’ by making tons of friends. Rather, encourage a couple of meaningful relationships.

7. Show an Interest

Keep the positivity going during homework hour and ask about assignments, such as what homework kids have and what their favorite subject is to get the conversation going about school. Be an active participant in their education, too, e.g. by volunteering at school. This shows the value you put on their schoolwork and progress and will lead to added pride. If you don’t have time to devote to being on-site, just be aware of what is going on in the school community.

8. Keep the Communication Going

Keep the home environment relaxed, open and inviting, so kids will come to you with the conflict or issue they’re facing in school. Rather than sitting down and confronting a child or pushing a child to open up, use a form of play therapy, where you take a walk or colour together and then casually bring up the topic you wish to discuss.

9. Reinforce Lessons

If you notice that your child has taken an interest in a particular subject area, see what you and your nanny can do to extend that learning. Set up some science experiments in your kitchen or visit a local museum to get up close to the fossils your kid has been reading about in textbooks. Showing them real-world applications for the knowledge they are learning in school is empowering and caters to their natural curiosity.

10. Set the Tone

With early morning wake-ups, it’s easy for adults to start the day off on the wrong side of the bed. But if you’re cranky in the morning, that attitude may transfer to your kids. It’s not always easy, but help your kids anticipate an enjoyable day by sending them off with a smile! Drink some coffee first–it’ll help. Your kids may not be doing cartwheels when the alarm clock goes off in the morning, but this advice may help make it more bearable. By talking to your kids and helping them get excited about school, heading to the classroom won’t become something that they dread, but actually enjoy for years to come!


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