- Accordion folded lampshade in any colour
- Suspenders
- White (or same colour as lamp shade) leggings
- Approximately two pounds of white polyester fibrefill stuffing
- Construction paper in assorted colours
- Red knit cap
- One red and one brown pipe cleaner
- White long sleeve shirt
- White sneakers.
- Hot glue and gun
Step 1: Clip suspenders to upside-down lampshade to make cupcake bottom. Put on leggings. Have child step into lampshade (smaller opening is at knees, wider opening is at waist) and adjust suspenders, so lampshade is secure and hanging at waist level.
Step 2: Glue stuffing to front and back of shirt using hot glue to make the frosting (for an added touch add stuffing around the ends of the sleeves).
Step 3: Cut up different coloured construction paper into 2-inch x 1/2-inch pieces to make sprinkles and gently stick all over “frosting.”
Step 4: Twist red and brown pipe cleaners together and hot glue to top of red knit hat, slightly bending/arching pipe cleaner. Cap off cupcake costume with cherry hat on top.