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Easy DIY Halloween Ideas: The Dark Knight Batman

Easy DIY Halloween Ideas: The Dark Knight Batman


  • Black hooded pull over sweat shirt
  • Black sweat pants
  • Black gloves
  • Black cape or black fabric cut to size
  • Downloaded Batman Logo, printed
  • Yellow construction paper or fabric
  • Glue
  • Safety pins
  • Scissors
  • Black construction paper
  • Belt
  • Black face paint or black mask.

Step 1: Print and cut out the Batman logo from the Internet. Glue it onto the yellow construction paper or fabric. Cut the yellow piece into an oval and glue it to the chest of the black sweat shirt.
Step 2: Cut triangles out of black construction paper. Use hot glue or a safety pin to stick triangles to the top of the sweatshirt hood, so they stick up like bat ears.
Step 3: Print out a smaller Batman logo from the Internet. Tape to belt buckle. Wrap belt around waist.
Step 4: Use black face paint to make eye mask on upper part of face and nose or use a store bought black mask for an easier clean up at the end of the night. Pin cape to shoulders and your guy is ready to save the night!