- Yellow hat
- 2 Googly eyes from craft store
- Orange felt
- Scissors
- Glue
- Yellow onesie
- Yellow feathers
- Red and gray construction paper
- Double stick tape
- Brown pants
- Brown socks
Step 1: Glue Googly eyes onto lower front part of hat. Cut out a small triangle from orange felt to make beak and glue just below eyes.
Step 2: Using the onesie for a size-reference, cut out a horseshoe-shape from red construction paper. Cover tips with grey construction paper. Tape together. Then tape on center of yellow onesie.
Step 3: Glue feathers on the hat and on the shoulders and sleeves of the onesie. Once dry, put baby in outfit. You can also add a baby doll (or a Barbie) under his arm to give the full-effect.