Did the summers feel longer and more action-packed when you were a child than they do now? That’s because the summer weeks and months are the times we most often remember about our childhood.
So get back in touch with your inner child, let go and embrace the potential of the summer again. Show your kids that you’re not all about school grades, rules and eating your greens with our 7 fun family activities for this summer!
Here are 7 fun family activities to give your kids a summer they’ll remember forever.
1. Get on Your Bike!
Dust off your bicycles and helmets; you’re going for a bike ride! Whether it’s a ride over to your local park for a picnic dinner or heading to a bike trail with the whole family, get the wheels in motion! Note: this might take proper planning with a toddler bike seat, comfort on training wheels and helmet fitting, but making a day of it might become regular group exercise.
2. Run a Summer Olympics
Create your own Summer Olympics by setting up outdoor bowling, “fishing” (using a kiddie pool with magnetic animals and rod), relay races, bean bag toss, horseshoes and any other outdoor games you can create. Be sure to give gold, silver and bronze medals at the end!
3. Dinner Back to Front
Entree, then dessert? That’s so, well, normal. Pick a weeknight when your family can flip dinner on its head: Dessert first! If the parent in you doesn’t approve, use the same rationalization that has been known to help you polish off a strawberry shortcake or — now we’re talkin’ — a banana split: Opt for a dessert with fruit in it, and, voila, it’s “healthy.” (Just go with it. It’s only one day!)
4. Play Hooky
Even if it’s technically called a “vacation day,” take one day off from work and spend quality time with each child. This might mean keeping your nanny – or hiring a babysitter (for the SAHMs) — for your other child(ren), but create one day where one kid gets all your attention — and gets to choose what he wants to do: beach, sprinkler park etc.. Make sure each child gets this special time. And if both parents can take the time off, even better!
5. Backyard Water Park
Ever heard of Water Wednesdays? Neither did we — until right now. But how fun would it be to turn your backyard into a water park one day a week? Get a few slip and slides, kiddie pools and sprinklers to create a water-filled adventure park.
6. Play Wiffle Ball
Invite some neighbours over and play ball! The wiffle ball is designed so it can’t travel too far, and that means retrieving fewer foul balls from the roof of your house. Be sure to establish yourself as the umpire and set the rules in advance — what counts as a single, double, triple, and homer — to prevent arguments at the plate.
7. Retro Movie Night
Have your kids seen E.T.? The Princess Bride? Goonies? Pick a favorite flick that’s age-appropriate, and get the popcorn started. Bonus points if you can get your hands on some nostalgic movie theater candy like Sugar Babies. An even better idea? Rent a projector and host an outdoor movie on a hanging bedsheet. Cuddle under blankets and watch from your yard.
7 Fun Family Activities for this Summer