5 activities to do with seniors that will lift their spirits—and yours

5 activities to do with seniors that will lift their spirits—and yours

Here’s a sobering statistic: Almost 60% of people age 65 and up in Canada are physically inactive, according to Statistics Canada. But research shows that physical activity and mental stimulation help seniors stay mobile and independent longer.

It can be challenging to find motivation to participate in regular exercise, especially as you age and your energy may naturally decline. Thankfully, as family or professional caregivers, we can help. Singing, walking, and laughing with a grandparent in their later years could end up becoming some of your most cherished memories. Here are several suggestions for impactful activities that will benefit you and the older adults in your life. 

1. Ask them to help with small caretaking tasks

If you’re caring for an older relative, asking them to contribute to the household in small ways—whether it’s picking up a grandchild from school or feeding your cats when you go on holiday—checks two boxes: It’s one less thing for you to do, and it provides them with a sense of purpose. It can even reduce the symptoms of dementia, according to a study that looked at the impact of grandparenting on the brain.

Having a strong sense of purpose—a reason to get up in the morning, knowing that people are depending upon you, feeling that you are making important contributions and possibly even making a difference in the world—could contribute to healthy ageing.

Something that may seem small to you could be a big deal to a senior with a great deal of time on their hands. For example, let’s say your grandparent was responsible for taking you to school each day, and your parents framed it as a favour (“It would be helpful if you could…”) rather than dismissing it (“Here is a way to keep yourself busy”) to highlight the importance of the task. It might be less than a 10-minute drive, but it could be the one thing that makes a world of difference in their mood.

Loved ones with decreased independence can get this same feeling of contributing by helping with pets or plants. 

2. Schedule a weekly game night

You’re never too old for a good competitive challenge. For example, you might know someone who has Alzheimer’s. You could watch Jeopardy! regularly together and treat each episode as a competition. Perhaps the winner gets bragging rights. Both of you will benefit from the mental stimulation and the quality time together.

Science has confirmed how useful these pastimes can be. A study published in 2018 found that daily participation in intellectual activities helps lower the risk of dementia for those 65 and older.

That said, set aside time to play Scrabble, UNO, puzzles or try Fountain of Health’s brain challenge resources. Making it a weekly occurrence will send several messages: It will remind them that you still see them as worthy competition, which can boost their sense of self, and it also says that you value the time you spend together enough to establish a routine.

3. Encourage them to volunteer with you

If you’re a family caregiver, volunteering with your older loved one is a win-win, as it provides seniors with the chance to gain a greater sense of purpose while also doing good for others.  

Volunteering might not be the only pathway to purposeful living—people also find meaning and purpose at work, through family relationships, and a variety of social activities—but the research on volunteerism clearly demonstrates its rich benefits and its powerful role in healthy ageing.

What kind of volunteer work is best? It depends on your interests. Habitat for Humanity Canada, church events, school/PTA functions—there are so many opportunities to do some valuable work together. Remember, community volunteering doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. It can be as small as making desserts to sell at the school fundraiser.

4. Listen to their favourite music together

If you know that your grandparent loves Sam Cooke, for instance, and you know all of their favourite songs, then there’s nothing to stop you from singing them with them, or perhaps even to them, if they’re unable to sing themselves. Alzheimer’s patients show promising outcomes for the future of music therapy—and who doesn’t love a good song?

You can sing together, or just listen to classics that were popular during the senior’s younger days. They will benefit from the comfort and familiarity of the sounds of their earlier years, and you may gain a few new favourite tunes.

5. Get some fresh air

The benefits of physical exercise are well-documented, but so are the benefits of getting outside. Research notes that increasing time spent outdoors could result in more active lifestyles and lower chronic disease risk.

If you’re looking for ideas, consider these three popular outdoor activities among older adults: Lawn bowling, walking, and gardening.