20 best birthday party games for kids of all ages

20 best birthday party games for kids of all ages

Cake and presents may be the main attraction of your little one’s birthday party, but it’s important to have games planned to keep the kids entertained and out of trouble. Devising games can be time-consuming, so we’ve put together a selection of party games for kids that are sure to be a hit—and are easy to set up and adapt to various themes.

Here are 20 birthday party games for kids of any age.

Kids ages 2 and up

1. Prize walk

This game is a great alternative to competitive games for younger children, who don’t always enjoy the concept of contests and can end up feeling put out if they don’t win a prize. Write numbers from 1 to 30 on squares and tape them to the ground in a circle. Make small numbered squares to correspond with the numbers on the ground and keep them in a basket. Start the game by having each child stand on a number and begin walking around the circle when the music starts. When the music stops, they have to stand on a number. If their number is chosen from the basket, they win a prize. This game can continue until everyone wins a prize.

2. Bubble wrap races

This game is fun and will have everyone giggling. Buy a large roll of bubble wrap and lay out a 5-foot piece of it in the yard or in an open space. Have each child cross the bubble wrap barefoot. The object is to get all the way across without bursting any of the bubbles. If you want to make it more competitive, line up 3 sections and have teams race across to the other side. The team that crosses without making a peep (or rather, a pop) wins! This game is best for kids ages 3 and up.

3. Doughnut on a string

This one is simple enough for the younger guests and delicious enough for everyone else. Tie a rope to something sturdy, such as thick tree branches. Use ribbons to attach each doughnut to the rope so that the doughnut hangs freely and is at a good length for the party guests. On the count of 3, each player must try to eat their entire doughnut without it falling to the ground. The big challenge: No hands allowed! The first person to finish their doughnut without it falling wins. There is really no need for prizes here because the doughnuts will be the yummiest prize of all.

4. Musical statues

Play some upbeat music and let the kids go wild on the dancefloor. When the music is paused, each child must freeze like a statue. If anyone is caught moving, they’re out. This one is lots of fun for younger kids but tougher for those under 4 years old. Anyone younger than 4 can be encouraged to dance along in a separate area just for fun. Make sure to give out small prizes, like stickers, as players are eliminated so that everyone walks away happy.

5. The bubble game

This is one for your youngest guests and is perfect for toddlers and young preschool-aged kids. An adult blows bubbles (or you could opt for a faster bubble machine) and the players race around to pop as many bubbles as they can. Once you’ve played a few times, let the kids start taking turns being the bubble blower. You’ll be surprised how many times young children will want to play this game. Hand out small prizes at the end to all your little bubble poppers.

6. Bring-your-own-bike/tricycle race

Kids will stay happily occupied with this obstacle course bike race, which includes a bike decorating contest and award ceremony. Just note on the invitations that it’s a bring-your-own-bike party and be sure to ask parents to bring their kids’ helmets along, too. Have some extras on hand for those who forget.

Create a short obstacle course and time each little cyclist separately—or if it’s a large area, they can all go at the same time. This game can also be made into a relay race. The race can take place in a park, cul-de-sac, or driveway. Have kids decorate bikes with streamers, paper fans, and noisemakers made from playing cards placed between the spokes. You can find traffic cones at any major hardware store and plastic skateboard ramps at bigger grocery stores and toy shops. You can also have a water spray at the end of the race course during summer parties. At the end of the race, hand out prizes like plastic trophies, water bottles, and bike accessories, such as spoke decorations, horns, and paper fans.

Kids ages 5 and up

7. Balloon burst

In this lively game, kids bop a balloon in the air to music until the music stops, then whoever was the last to touch the balloon must pop it and complete the challenge that’s inside. Write challenges on paper and insert them into balloons before inflating. Have enough balloons to continue the game for as long as you decide. Challenges can be anything from trivia questions to physical tests, like trying to lick your elbow or sing a song with a mouthful of cookies. Younger players will need a little help reading the challenges.

8. Mummy wrap

Incorporate this game into a Halloween-themed party for an October birthday, along with bobbing for apples. Divide kids into small groups and have them pick someone to be the mummy (or have an adult be the mummy). Pass out rolls of toilet paper to each group and whoever wraps up their mummy using all the toilet paper the quickest wins. For non-October birthdays, this can be adapted to be a fashion show contest, with players wrapping their teammate up in their own design and having them walk the runway at the end.

9. Treasure or scavenger hunt

These hunts are fun and easy to adapt to any party’s theme and to the ages of the guests. The difference between a treasure hunt and a scavenger hunt is simple. In a treasure hunt, you sketch out a simple map and give kids pictures of the treasures to be found along the route. Along with each clue they find, there will be a small reward. If you’re having a pirate-themed party, then clues could be chocolate coins, with a treasure chest of prizes at the end. For a scavenger hunt, you give the children a list of specific items to find in a defined area. The child (or team) that finds all of the items first wins. Lists of items to hunt can include things in nature, shops and food at the nearest mall, or items that relate to specific letters of the alphabet. You can send kids off in small groups with an adult chaperone if they are in public places.

10. Origami boat races

This game is played by blowing through a straw to power paper boats across a plastic pool, with the winner being the first to make it across. If you play this in groups, then the winners from each group or race can continue to play each other until a final winner is declared. The boats are easy to construct using origami paper that can be found at any arts and crafts shop. Older kids will enjoy making them, but parents may need to help younger ones with this activity. You’ll find these origami boat instructions easy to follow.

11. Drama game

In this game, kids get to create their own entertainment. Start by giving each child or group of children a shopping bag filled with props, which can include anything from kitchen items and costumes to makeup and assorted clothing. Then give them an allotted time for planning their sketches before you record their performances. After everyone has finished, have a screening and award ceremony, where each child receives a trophy for their part. Sketches can entail anything from a talk or cooking show to a TV commercial. This game is best for kids aged 6 and over.

12. Bucket throw

Line up 6 buckets or tubs and number them from 1 to 6. Put prizes in each of the buckets, saving the bigger prizes for the higher-numbered buckets. Have the kids line up and instruct each player to start by throwing a ping-pong ball into the first bucket. If they get it in, they move on to the next numbered bucket. The highest-numbered bucket that a player lands their ball in determines which bucket they get to pick a prize from. Each of the kids will likely land their ball in at least one bucket, so everyone will get a prize.

13. Rainbow dress-up relay race

This one is ideal for a rainbow- or fairy-themed party, but you can adjust the clothing choices based on your party’s theme. You will need 2 similar sets of clothing that each make up the colours of a rainbow. For example, a red shirt, a blue hat, a green sock, a yellow skirt, and so on. Divide players into 2 teams and get them to line up at a starting point. Each team will be given one of the sets of clothing. The first player on each team has to put on all the clothing, run to a designated spot, run back to their team, take off the dress-up clothes, and hand them off to the next player. Each teammate must complete this task. The team whose players all return to the starting point first wins!

14. Egg and spoon race

You only need some hard-boiled eggs and some tablespoons for this classic party game. Have each of the children line up with an egg and a spoon. Tell them to place the egg onto their spoon and race across to the finish line without dropping the egg. If an egg falls, that child must start the race over again. The first person to reach the finish line without dropping their egg wins. This game is a test of balance and coordination that will have the kids laughing all the way to the finish line.

Kids ages 10 and up

15. Photo scavenger hunt

Divide the players into teams. It doesn’t really matter how large or small the teams are, you just need to have enough phones or cameras to give one to each team. (Make sure the phones have a protective case on them!) Give the teams a list of things that they need to capture photos of in order to win. These can be as simple as taking a picture of something blue, a photo of one teammate giving another a piggyback ride, or a selfie of all of them in front of a specific tree. Use your imagination and whatever is available in your location to come up with the list for the teams. Whichever team completes the list first wins. As an added bonus, you’ll be able to collect a lot of birthday party photos to share with friends and family.

16. Head pop

For this fun favourite, you will need balloons of 2 different colours (around 20 per colour is ideal) and 2 hats with pins sticking out of the top of them. Tie the balloons at various heights from the ceiling. They should be at least high enough that the kids are able to pop them with their heads. To start, one player from each team is given a hat to put on and 15 seconds to try to pop as many of their team’s balloons as possible. When their 15 seconds are up, the next players from each team are given 15 seconds to try. The first team to pop all of their balloons wins.

17. Glow-in-the-dark Capture the Flag

This game is perfect for a tween or teen sleepover birthday party, as you will need it to be dark outside to play. This game follows many of the same rules as a traditional Capture the Flag, except that, in this case, the glow sticks are the flags. You will need 2 different coloured glow sticks and enough matching glow bracelets for each team. Divide the players into 2 teams and give them the bracelets that match their glow stick. Designate an area of play, divide the area into 2 sections using something like a rope or a line of shoes, and have the teams hide their “flag” on their own side. Each team has to find the opposing team’s flag and bring it back to their own side of the playing area. Players are free to run around anywhere, but the trick is to not get caught in the other team’s section, or you could be tagged and sent to “jail.” If a teammate is in jail, another teammate can free them by going over and bringing them back to home base without being tagged. The first team to capture their opponent’s glow stick and bring it back wins.

18. Truth or dare?

This is a classic party game, and no one loves playing it more than tweens and teens. Put at least 20 truths and 20 dares on individual pieces of paper and then place them in their corresponding labelled buckets or jars. Each kid will take a turn choosing from the Truth or the Dare bucket. They will need to continue completing the tasks until all of the papers have been used. You’ll want to keep the truth or dare options age-appropriate while still fun, so here are 100 truth or dare questions for tweens that you can use in your game. Once the game is over, give each player a small prize for being so brave.

19. “Fear Factor” games course

Set up a line of games that each kid has to complete in order to win. In most of these games, it’s what the kids think they’re doing, not the reality of it, that makes it such a good time. Games can range from Egg Roulette, where players are given an egg and must crack it against their heads in 3 seconds (they will think the eggs are raw, but they will actually be hard-boiled), to a Blood-Chugging Contest where they are asked to drink cups filled with “blood” (actually tomato juice with some added gelatine for texture).

20. “Minute to Win It” games course

In this course, players have one minute to complete a specific task at each station. Once they’ve completed it, they can move on to the next station. Set up 5 to 8 stations in total. Some examples are Cookie Face (you place a cookie on each player’s forehead and they must get it into their mouth without using their hands), Junk in the Trunk (players have a tissue box or sandwich bag box filled with 8 ping-pong balls strapped onto their backs and they must shake out all 8 balls before the minute is up), and Stack Attack (players must stack a set of plastic cups into a pyramid and then back into a single stack).