How to write a nanny job description and what to include
Find your ideal childcare provider with these expert tips for writing a nanny job description, plus example nanny job advertisements.
Find your ideal childcare provider with these expert tips for writing a nanny job description, plus example nanny job advertisements.
We interviewed 20 kids of all ages for the inside scoop on what it takes to be a super-cool sitter,...
To make sure you get hired—and keep getting hired—follow these babysitting tips for maintaining professional behaviour on the job.
Sometimes it’s hard to talk to kids! Luckily, there are a few tricks to getting a conversation going. Here are...
Hiring a pet sitter to care for a dog, cat or goldfish but not sure what to pay? We offer...
Here’s what you need to know about overtime pay for nannies, and how to ensure it’s by the books.
Nannies do important work and should receive the same job benefits as other professionals. Consider these nanny benefits before making...
Hoping to make the nanny price tag more affordable for your family? Here are a few ideas for negotiating a...
Nannies can offer a variety of childcare and household help, but here are a few main “nanny types” to help...
Looking for things to do with a 9-year-old (or older)? This list has you covered.
Here are a few housekeeping contract best practices you should keep in mind when hiring a housekeeper.
During the babysitter hiring process, both parents and babysitters should think about what’s on the children’s wish list for a...
Know what in-home childcare is going to cost up front so you can plan your budget accordingly.
Here’s why you should consider drafting a nanny contract, what you should include in it and how to make it...
When you hire a nanny, there are lots of details to work out. For example, driving expenses. Does your nanny...
Before leaving your child in the care of a trusted nanny or babysitter, make sure they have these 10 key...
Even if your babysitter only watches your children occasionally, a contract or written agreement can serve as a tool to...
Here’s what you need to know to determine a babysitting rate per hour that works for you and the family.
Looking for things to do in Sydney? Combine education and fun with a visit to one of these 10 kid-friendly...
Check out our list of fun places to go in Sydney in winter, and we guarantee you’ll be leaving the...
Starting your own pet care business can be daunting, but it can also be very rewarding. Follow these 11 steps...
Ready to start looking for advanced training and certification programs for aged care? Here are a few caregiver courses to...
One of the best investments you can make in yourself as a professional nanny is to build your network. Here’s...
Nothing helps you make a great first impression on a family more than having an outstanding nanny CV.
Here’s what to include, what to leave out, and how to format it, along with a list of common CV...
Pet care certification programmes offer the opportunity to refine your skills and demonstrate proficiency in your field. The following organisations...
Here are 14 benefits you should feel empowered to explore with a potential or current family employer.
When you complete babysitting training, safety classes or an online babysitting course, you’ll stand out to parents and can even...
You need to have clear duties and job expectations, as well as a plan of action in case something goes...
Get recommendations for the most beneficial childcare and nanny certifications and training courses you can complete.
Find out why you need a nanny contract for every job, what to include and where to find a good...
If you sit for a family on a regular basis, drafting a contract can help you and your employer.
An overview of the main considerations when employing a domestic employee or caregiver.
An overview of some of the main considerations when accepting a role as Domestic Employee or Caregiver.
There’s no magic formula that will tell you what to charge, but there are some things you can keep in...
Experts offer tips and advice for what factors to take into account when figuring out how much to charge for...
Before setting your hourly rate for caregiving, consider these key aspects of the senior care job at hand.
One of the easiest ways to build a potential client’s trust in your abilities is by providing them with great...
The average cost of house cleaning can depend on a wide variety of things. Here’s what to keep in mind...
If you’ve hired someone to clean your home, you are probably wondering what’s next? Here's how the process will likely...