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How to get a job without applying for one

How to get a job without applying for one

If sending out hundreds of slightly altered CVs and cover letters with the hope that someone eventually responds sounds far too familiar, then keep reading. It will be a relief to learn that there is a better way to find your dream job. In fact, it is estimated that 80% of people find jobs using this alternate method. And what exactly is this magical solution? Well, it’s networking.

Before you go running for the hills, it is important to note that this doesn’t mean wandering around networking events, handing out your business card and trying to sell yourself to complete strangers. It can be a far more comfortable and successful process than that.  

Here are a few steps to take the pain out of networking and to help you find that elusive dream job.

1. Reach out

The good news here is that you can start with those close to you. You never know when a friend or family member will come across someone who is looking for a childminderhousekeeper, or whatever your chosen profession may be. Therefore, it is important to let those around you know that you are looking for a job and what role you are looking for. This way, when someone hears of a job opportunity, you will instantly jump to mind.  

2. Build relationships 

Next, turn your attention to like-minded professionals through online networking. Reach out to other professionals in your field and ask for advice on how they got started. Job boards and job forums are also good places to find contacts. 

Jobs boards and forums are good places to search for available jobs

3. Be proactive 

It’s no good waiting for families or companies to post their open positions online as they will presumably be flooded with applications, making your chances of standing out much smaller. If you have created a successful network within your chosen field, it is more likely that you will find a job opening before it is posted online, putting you ahead of the curve.  

4. Prepare your pitch 

As a networking opportunity could arise at any moment, it is important to have a professional description of yourself prepared. Include who you are, your skills and experience, what job you are looking for and why you are the right person for the role. Talk about yourself with confidence. You may be talking to the person who can get you your new job.