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32 questions every nanny should ask during an interview

32 questions every nanny should ask during an interview

It goes without saying that, when you score an interview for a nanny job, you want to bring your A-game. However, even though you’re, technically speaking, the one in the hot seat, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t come armed with a list of questions of your own. You do, after all, want to know what you’re potentially getting into and if the family is the right fit for you.

In addition to assessing whether the job itself is a good match and your personalities mesh, right now, there’s the added layer of a pandemic. You want to learn upfront whether the family you may be working closely with is taking precautions with which you’re comfortable.

The interview is the perfect time to be totally open and transparent—especially in the age of COVID. This will help you make sure you’re accepting a job with a family you can trust and with whom you feel safe. 

Wondering what questions you should ask parents during an interview? Here are 32 questions to ask when interviewing for a nanny job, according to various experts on the matter:

General questions about the job

  1. What are you looking for in a nanny?
  2. What are the hours?
  3. How long of a commitment are you seeking?
  4. What are the daily duties?
  5. What did you like about your previous nannies and what are you looking to change?
  6. Do you travel? If so, would you require me to travel with you? If not, will there be things I’m responsible for while you are gone? 

Questions about the kids 

  1. Do the children have allergies or any other health concerns?
  2. Do the children require any specialised care?
  3. What personality style or temperament do your children connect with best?
  4. What does the kids’ typical day look like?

Questions about compensation

  1. What are the wage and benefits being offered?

Obviously, this is something you have every right to know, but it’s not a good idea to lead with these questions, since doing so before seeing if you are a potential match can be a real turn off to parents who want a caregiver who expresses interest in their children over money. Plus, it’s not going to matter anyway if it turns out that you’re not interested in the job.

  1. How do you run the payroll?
  2. Will you be issuing a payment summary and handling taxes? 

Questions about parenting style

  1. What is your discipline philosophy?
  2. What values do you want to instil in your children?
  3. Do you adhere to a specific parenting style? 
  4. What model of care do you envision?

This question is a good one to ask if you are a nanny who’s used to running the show, since a position that requires you to stay in the house and be micromanaged probably isn’t the one for you.

Questions about home life

  1. Do you have pets?
  2. Do you have a pool?
  3. Are there any other household staff?
  4. Will I be using my vehicle or yours to transport the children?
  5. Do you work inside or outside of the home?

Finally, it’s a good idea to ask potential employers if there’s anything they’d like you to know about their family at the end of the interview. Following this question with a long pause is going to get you answers to questions you would never have thought to ask.

Health questions

  1. Do you get the flu shot?
  2. Are you up to date on other immunisations, including whooping cough? 

Questions about COVID safety and risk

Although restrictions have eased considerably, every job-seeking nanny should still feel empowered to ask questions in order to assess potential risks. The Association of Premier Nanny Agencies (APNA) has developed a COVID Risk Tolerance Scale that can help nannies and families identify their COVID Risk Factor. Asking where a family falls on the scale can help match you with a family who practices the same or similar level of COVID precautions.

Here are some COVID-related questions to ask when searching for a job in the current climate:

  1. Have you gotten the COVID vaccine? If not, are you and the eligible children planning on getting your jabs?
  2. Do you work in jobs where you’re at a high risk of exposure?
  3. What is the plan if someone in the family is exposed to or becomes infected with COVID?
  4. What are the expectations if I’m exposed? 
  5. Am I expected to wear a mask during work hours, and will the family, including children over 2 years old, be wearing masks? 
  6. Am I expected to get regular COVID tests? 
  7. Will the schedule or my job duties shift if schools close or go virtual at any point?
  8. What outings and social activities are acceptable for the children? 

It’s important to understand the family’s COVID precautions and action plan when you’re interviewing, not after you’ve accepted the job. This way, you can gauge your comfort level and consider whether or not it’s the right job for you.