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Can dogs have cinnamon?

Is cinnamon bad for dogs? So long as it’s the right quantity, and the right form, experts say it’s generally OK to give it to your pup. Yum!

Can dogs have cinnamon?

Few people can resist their dog’s — actual — puppy dog eyes that appear like clockwork when as much as a cracker makes its way out of the box. However, there are some foods — and ingredients in foods — that are cause for concern when it comes to Fido. 

Most pet owners know they should avoid giving chocolate and onions to their pups, but there are other foods and spices, such as cinnamon, that present as a bit of a gray area. “Cinnamon itself isn’t necessarily a problem for dogs,” says Dr. Danielle Bernal, global veterinarian with Wellness Pet Food. “However, the total amount and form can make it a health concern.” 

Wondering if your dog can have cinnamon, and if so, how much? Experts answer these questions and more.

“Cinnamon itself isn’t necessarily a problem for dogs. However, the total amount and form can make it a health concern.” 

— Dr. Danielle Bernal, veterinarian

Can dogs eat cinnamon?

Yes, dogs can eat cinnamon, but in small amounts. The cinnamon found in most spice racks is non-toxic to dogs according to the ASPCA, nor will it cause any adverse reactions according to Dr. Bernal. However, she adds, this is “only when given in very small doses” (more on this shortly) and only when it’s in dried, spice form.

“Cinnamon essential oil can be toxic for pups,” Bernal explains. “Due to its high concentration, even a small amount of cinnamon essential oil can cause health issues. It is not recommended to ever give a dog cinnamon essential oil.” 

Additionally, she notes, avoid giving dogs cinnamon sticks, as they can be choking hazards. 

Read more:

Is cinnamon bad for dogs?

If your dog eats a small amount of cinnamon, don’t panic. “Nothing should happen,” says Dr. Dwight Alleyne, a veterinarian with That being said, if your pup consumes a large amount of the spice, “it could cause gastrointestinal issues, and in rare cases, liver damage,” he adds.

If you’re ever concerned about what your dog has ingested, call your veterinarian right away. 

How much cinnamon is safe for dogs?

So long as your dog’s cinnamon consumption is kept to a minimum (think: a sprinkle!), letting them enjoy the spice isn’t an issue. “Generally, an adult dog should not get more than one teaspoon of cinnamon in their food in order to avoid any issues with the spice,” Alleyne explains.

Bernal notes that giving dogs more than a teaspoon of cinnamon “should always be avoided,” as it can cause them to potentially suffer the following:

  • Lowered blood sugar.
  • Liver disease.
  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Changes in heart rate. 

Are there possible health benefits of cinnamon for dogs?

While large amounts of cinnamon may cause adverse effects in dogs, the reverse is also true. 

“In small amounts per serving or when included in a recipe, as an occasional treat, cinnamon is safe and may even offer health benefits,” notes Bernal. “Not only does it contain antioxidants and anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties, it may promote heart health and help regulate blood sugar.”  

Can I sprinkle cinnamon on my dog’s food?

If you want to treat your pup to a little spice — especially during the colder months so they can partake in the festivities — go ahead. Just don’t go overboard. 

“Small amounts of cinnamon are OK to be sprinkled onto food,” says Bernal. “Try to not exceed one quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon powder sprinkled over food every now and then.” 

“Try to not exceed one quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon powder sprinkled over food every now and then.” 

— Dr. Danielle Bernal, veterinarian

The bottom line on whether dogs can eat cinnamon

Cinnamon, so long as it’s used sparingly, is OK for dogs — in fact, it can even come with heart and blood sugar benefits. If you want to incorporate cinnamon into your pup’s diet, sprinkle one-quarter of a teaspoon or less into their food once in a while. More than that, Bernal notes, may cause issues such as upset stomachs and irritation.