BOO!-A How To Guide for Ghosting Friends at Halloween

Make the classic ding-and-dash a family-friendly activity with a sweet surprise with a free Halloween printable!

BOO!-A How To Guide for Ghosting Friends at Halloween

Tis the season for tricks and treats! Ghosting, or BOOing, is the perfect way to get your whole family into the spooky Halloween spirit. This festive fun gives the classic ding dong ditch a family-friendly feel — and will have your kids counting down the days til next Halloween! 

What You’ll Need:

  • A small bag of ghostly goodies (See ideas below)
  • Copies of the BOOed Ghost and Poem – get them HERE!
  • A stealth team of non-giggling family members and a getaway driver
  • Flashlights if it’s dark

>Need a sitter for a parents-only Halloween party?

How it Works:
Once its dark, sneak to another familys front door and leave your little bag of Halloween goodies on their step, complete with a Ghost for their window and instructions on how to play. Then, ring their doorbell and hide!

As with any game, there are a few simple guidelines to keep in mind

  1. Only Boo Families Once
    You’ll want to share the Ghosting love with families who havent been Booed yet. To determine a new target, look for a paper “We’ve been Booed” ghost hanging in one of their windows — or pick up the phone if you aren’t sure. (There is an awful lot of ghost decor this time of year.)
  2. Try Candy Alternatives
    Chances are, the kids will be digging into these goodie bags very close to bed time. To help your friends avoid facing an end of day sugar rush, throw a few Halloween trinkets into the mix. Think spider rings, vampire teeth, little rubber snakes, ooey gooey toys, and bubbles. Will they end up under your couch in a week? Most likely. To all those who end up stepping on a spider ring in 6 months: we’re sorry.
  3. Pack Enough for the Whole Family
    Save your fellow parents from the fighting and tears and make sure to include enough goodies for possible siblings.
  4. Visit Before the Witching Hour
    Aim for 5pm-7pm, that way you won’t interrupt anyone’s bed time.
  5. Only Ring the Bell Once
    If you can’t hear any sound, three strong knocks should do the trick.
  6. Let Your Kids Take the Lead
    Sure, it’s easy to get caught up in the fun but remember to let your little ones take charge on this adventure. You’ll get a kick out of how serious they take their secret ghosting duties
  7. Check in Later
    Don’t leave ’em hanging! Text or email the parents to let them who their ghosts were.

Ghosting friends is a really great way for families to get into the not-so-spooky spirit of Halloween. You can play it up as much as you’d like: dress like ninjas, wear your kookiest costumes, whatever makes it awesome. And if you get caught, no big deal. Sometimes the best part is hiding in the bushes to boo a friend after they open the door. 

Wishing you a happy, safe Halloween. Share your favorite ghosting tips below!


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