I was just thinking about this today after I realized how much time we spend in the car. We go to sports events, we visit family, we do 100 different things that all involve taking the car to go somewhere. For a long time I’ve kept certain things in the car and they’ve been absolute lifesavers when I needed them most. Here’s my list of things to keep in the car at all times.
I can’t tell you the number of times that we’ve gone somewhere or not had time to get food before. Have a bunch of healthy snacks just in case you don’t have enough time to get food on your trip or your kids are hungry. Here are some suggestions:
First Aid Kit
I can’t stress this one enough! Make sure that it has everything specific to your child’s needs, whether that be allergy medicine or something else. One can never have enough band aids, anti nausea medicine, or anti itch cream. I suggest
and I also suggest that you fill your first aid kit with other things specific to your kids.
Tissues and Wet Wipes
Whether your child has to blow their nose or clean something off of themselves, trust me – have tissues and wet wipes. I have known parents to even keep an entire roll of paper towels in the car just in case.
While this may seem old fashioned, I don’t like the idea of using iPads and things in the car. I like that my kids read books when they can, so I keep new ones in the car for them when we have a long trip so that they can spent time reading and expanding their mind. It’s something I value and it’s a good technique to get them to read when they are “bored” and have nothing to do. Here are some books I’ve found to really engage my kids:
A Blanket
Kids get cold, they want to sleep and they need time to rest. Having a blanket in the trunk of the car is really important. It’s great for feeling cozy on long car trips too!