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Top 10 cities for New Year’s Eve babysitting jobs — plus, the average hourly rate!

New Year’s Eve babysitters are in demand — particularly in these 10 U.S. cities — and the average hourly rate is at a premium.

Top 10 cities for New Year’s Eve babysitting jobs — plus, the average hourly rate!

New Year’s Eve is one of the most coveted nights of the year for parents looking to hire a babysitter. And because the night is so sought after, earning potential is seriously high, allowing you to not only charge more than your usual hourly rate but also to rack up some solid hours since NYE outings are generally more than a quick bite to eat.

If you’re looking to earn beaucoup bucks for one night’s work, check out the average hourly pay rate, as well as the top 10 cities for finding New Year’s Eve babysitting jobs (maybe it’s your city!), according to Care’s 2022 New Year’s Eve data. Additionally, get an idea of how an hours-long job on the last night of the year can really add up.

Average hourly rate for New Year’s Eve babysitting jobs

The national average posted hourly rate for NYE babysitting jobs on Care in 2022 was around $20 an hour ($20.07, to be exact!). Of course, that rate fluctuates up or down, depending on where you live, the number of children you’re caring for and the ages of the kids. 

That said, when asked, many sitters told Care that they charge above their usual rate for a babysitting gig on the holiday. In fact, several say they charge time and a half, and some say they charge as much as double their usual rate. Also, if parents ask for you to babysit overnight, different rules may apply. Some sitters prefer a flat fee instead of an hourly fee, so make sure to discuss payment details upfront. 

Top in-demand cities for New Year’s Eve sitter jobs 

Below, check out the 10 U.S. cities with the highest number of job postings and bookings for New Year’s Eve babysitters, according to bookings on Care in 2022, as well as the average posted babysitting rate in those cities.

Top-demand New Year’s Eve cities and posted hourly babysitting rates

RankLocationAverage hourly New Year’s Eve babysitting rates*
1New York, NY$ 22.68
2Los Angeles, CA$ 23.56
3Miami, FL$ 21.42
4Atlanta, GA$ 20.22
5Washington, DC$ 21.22
6Dallas, TX$ 19.08
7Houston, TX$ 17.49
8Chicago IL$ 20.57
9Phoenix, AZ$ 20.87
10Seattle, WA$ 23.73
* Rate information, based on babysitting jobs and bookings for New Year’s Eve (12/31/2022) posted on Care.

Read more: The professional guide for babysitters

Total cash you could make babysitting on New Year’s Eve

Babysitting hours always vary, depending on the parents’ plans, but on New Year’s Eve, on average, you can expect to work about six hours (parents generally are looking for babysitters to watch the kids from about 7 p.m. to 1 a.m.). Depending on the kids’ ages, this may or may not include feeding them dinner, doing a fun activity or craft and handling bath and bedtime.

To give you an idea of your earning potential for the night, here are the average posted hourly rates in the top in-demand cities for NYE, along with what you could potentially make for six hours of work. 

Total earnings for New Year’s Eve babysitting jobs in top-demand cities

RankLocationAverage hourly New Year’s Eve babysitting rates*Earnings after 6 hours of work
1New York, NY$ 22.68$136.08
2Los Angeles, CA$ 23.56$141.36
3Miami, FL$ 21.42$128.52
4Atlanta, GA$ 20.22$121.32
5Washington, DC$ 21.22$127.32
6Dallas, TX$ 19.08$114.48
7Houston, TX$ 17.49$104.94
8Chicago, IL$ 20.57$123.42
9Phoenix, AZ$ 20.87$125.22
10Seattle, WA$ 23.73$142.38
* Rate information, based on babysitting jobs and bookings for New Year’s Eve (12/31/2022) posted on Care.

If you live in one of the above cities, you could be looking at earning somewhere between $104 and $142 for a single night of babysitting work, based on posted jobs and bookings. And even if you live in another city, the national average hourly rate can still add up to more than $120 per night.

National average hourly New Year’s Eve babysitting rates*Earnings after 6 hours of work
$ 20.07$120.42
* Rate information, based on babysitting jobs and bookings for New Year’s Eve (12/31/2022) posted on Care.

When to start looking for a New Year’s Eve babysitting gig

While it’s never too early to start looking for a gig, demand for most New Year’s Eve job postings starts climbing around December 26, says Care data, with the most popular day for families to post jobs and book sitters on the day of New Year’s Eve itself (Dec. 31). 

This is great news for sitters who are weighing their NYE options or hoping to book a job on short notice. 

The bottom line

Your earning potential is big on New Year’s Eve, and frankly, so is the return on investment. Eating snacks, making some New Year’s crafts and waking up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed on the first day of 2024 (with extra money in the bank)? That trumps parking headaches, loud music and a crowd any day.