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Finding the Perfect Baby Co-Sleeper

So you've decided to co-sleep with your little one, but have yet to locate the right baby co-sleeper. Read up on what you should be looking for as you shop around, and check out 9 of the top options for parents.

Finding the Perfect Baby Co-Sleeper

Co-sleeping is the practice of having your baby sleep close to you rather than in another room. Using a baby co-sleeper, which is a specially designed bed for this purpose, can aid in breastfeeding. Additionally, use of a co-sleeper improves sleep for both the mother and the baby, all while ensuring bonding and attachment.

“Co-sleeping is a wonderful opportunity for your infant to learn to go to sleep on his own,” Jennifer Lown, a board-certified family nurse practitioner, explains. “Baby’s bedtime may be much earlier than yours, however there is still the benefit of the nearness and security of a parents’ presence.”

Generally speaking, a baby co-sleeper is suggested for use until your little one is around 6 months of age. David Jacobs, the owner of children’s boutique Mini Jake, explains that there are two different kinds of co-sleepers. “One which is like a nest and sits in the center of the parents bed,” he says, “and one which attaches to or is near to a mother’s side of the bed and [is] crib-like.”

When looking for a co-sleeper, you want to make sure it is well made, safe, sturdy and adjusts to or fits your bed. But these aren’t the only considerations. “Does it fit into the space you have? Is it going to be easy for you to navigate around? This is important if you had a C-section or a difficult birth and are not maneuvering as well as you usually would,” Jacobs says.

9 Baby Co-Sleepers

  1. Bednest Bassinet
    This Bednest Bassinet is a modern, stylish and functional co-sleeper that’s sure to please in any setting. It adjusts to 70 different heights and is guaranteed to fit your bed. It also converts into a free-standing crib, which has a tilting stand for helping a baby with colic and reflux concerns. It costs $499 to buy, and it starts at $199 to rent for six months.
  2. Sleigh Bed
    The luxurious Sleigh Bed by Arms Reach has built-in leg extensions, making the height adjustable. It is multi-use, so it can convert into a free-standing bassinet or a seat. It includes a breathable bumper pad, mattress and fitted sheet. The price comes in around $380.
  3. HALO Bassinest
    Halo’s Bassinest is a 360-degree swivel sleeper. The “Premiere Series” has a retractable wall for mom and her baby to easily connect, as well as storage pockets for miscellaneous items. The built-in soothing center includes vibration, lullabies, a night light and nursing timer. Prices start at approximately $250.
  4. BabyBay Maxi
    This Maxi crib is made of beech wood and finished with rounded corners. It is easy to assemble and can convert to a play pen, bassinet, bench or table. It sells for $349.
  5. Baby Delight Snuggle Nest
    Designed for use in a parent’s bed, the Snuggle Nest has meshed panels for easy breathing and a sturdy protective barrier built around the bedding for your baby. It comes with a sound machine and night light, as well as a waterproof mattress. The cost is on the lower end, with a sticker price of approximately $51.
  6. Sidecar Baby Bed Attachment
    Looking for something handmade? Consider this traditional Sidecar Baby Bed. It’s made of natural wood and attaches close to your bed, facilitating face-to-face sleep with your little one. It sells for $339.
  7. Daydreamer Sleeper
    The Daydreamer is doctor-approved and even has a seat belt for extra security. Its inclined design encourages the most comfortable sleep for your baby, and it can be yours for $150.
  8. Close & Secure Sleeper
    This nest-style Close & Secure Sleeper is fashioned to be placed in your bed. It is easily movable and can be used in a baby’s crib to help the transition to an individual sleeping space. The price starts at $60.
  9. By Your Side Sleeper
    The By Your Side Sleeper is made up of a secure wraparound metal frame, which sits in the bed with you. It comes with a mattress pad and fitted sheet. It sells for $45.

And check out the best in baby sleeping music.

Elisabeth Vlasic, writes the green-inspired parenting blog Willy B Mum, which journeys her experience as a first-time mother. She is a the mother of a preschooler boy, who still co-sleeps in the family bed.