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8 Perks of Living With Your In-Laws or Parents

Living with your in-laws or parents can provide positive, rewarding experiences for everyone in your family, even if it wasn't part of your ideal plan. Here are 8 perks of living in a multi-generational home!

8 Perks of Living With Your In-Laws or Parents

Whether your in-laws just moved in or your family is staying with your parents, a full house can still be a happy home. While this may not be the dream living situation that you imagined for you, your husband and your kids, there are lots of great things about having a multi-generational home. In fact, everyone can benefit from this extra time together!

Wondering how it would all work? Here are eight perks of living with your in-laws or parents:

  1. Your Children Will Have the Opportunity to Really Get to Know Their Grandparents
    Your living situation allows your children to develop a super-close bond with their grandparents. They get to spend time together on a regular basis, not just on holidays and special occasions.
  2. When Parenting Gets Tough, There’s Always Someone Older and Wiser Around to Give You Advice
    Your in-laws have been around the parenting block, and they’ve gained a lot of perspective along the way. They can be a huge help when you need some advice or support.
  3. You Always Have a Babysitter
    Your parents = free babysitters. It’s important, of course, that you don’t take advantage of this situation. But with careful planning and good judgment, you and your partner can get a date night while your kids have fun with Grandma and Grandpa. (They could even learn one of these 25 of the Most Fun Games for Kids together!)


  4. You’re Not Alone in the Struggle to Keep Up With Cooking, Cleaning and Other Household Chores
    Managing a family and a household is a lot of work. But it can feel so much less overwhelming when there are several adults around, as each person can take on a few responsibilities.
  5. The Logistics of Holiday Traveling Are Much Simpler
    There’s no need to worry about how and when you’re going to visit at least one side of your family, because you’re already together!


  6. Emergencies or School Cancellations Are Less Stressful
    When there are more adults nearby, you don’t have to worry as much about scrambling to figure out what to do with the kids during emergencies or school cancellations.
  7. You Might Get a New Perspective on Your Spouse
    Living with your in-laws just might give you some unique insight into the dynamics of your spouse’s relationship with his parents. This new frame of reference could help you to understand exactly where his quirks come from, bringing the two of you even closer together.
  8. You Can Get a Little Financial Breathing Room
    Splitting housing costs and utilities among more people can mean big savings. You and your in-laws could take turns picking up the grocery tab, and you may even be able to sell your car if your large household has enough vehicles to share. Whatever your circumstances, pooling your resources with your relatives can allow you to save more of your hard-earned money.

Living with extended family when you have a family of your own can certainly have its ups and downs, but focusing on the benefits can help everyone make the most out of the extra time you get to spend together. Can you think of any other perks of living with your in-laws or parents? Let us know in the comments below!

Kate Parlin is a writer and busy mom of three girls, two of whom are twins. She chronicles her parenting adventures — everything from the funny stuff to the frustrating freak-outs — on her blog, Shakespeare’s Mom.