7 things dog walkers should never do

To make sure you get hired as a dog walker — and keep getting hired again and again — follow these tips for keeping it safe and professional on the job.

7 things dog walkers should never do

Dogs: they can be your best friend, but they can also be wily and mischievous rascals, especially when you have to balance canine needs with the desires of their human owners. Luckily, we have a few tips to help improve your professional dog-walking experience — and to help you keep both human and canine customers happy.

1. Never use your phone while on duty

When you’re a professional dog walker, the safety of the pet in your care is your No. 1 priority, so don’t get wrapped up in texting or chatting on the phone while you’r on the job. Make it a priority to give the dog all of your attention.

“There’s nothing worse than receiving a message the next day from the owner of the dog you were walking,” shares pet carer Farrah Miller, “telling you about the $400 vet bill they have to pay because the dog ‘cleaned up’ the garbage on the street while you were distracted with your phone.”

Avoid using headphones or listening to music too, adds Jesse Brezina, founder of Union Square Dogwalkers, even if you don’t think you’ll find it distracting.

2. Never put the dog waste in a private garbage bin

Throwing a little tied-up bag in that can on the curb on garbage day may seem minor. However, Miller warns, “you will get yelled at,” or possibly, “have the homeowner pull the bag of poop out of the garbage and chase you with it!” It’s just best to avoid this altogether by dumping dog waste in a public can or back at the dog’s home.

3. Never let dogs approach other dogs without the owner’s permission

Dogs have a huge range of personalities, and you can never predict how they will react to an unknown dog. And leashes have a way of mounting tensions. Few things are worse than an impromptu dog fight.

4. Never avoid telling the dog’s owner if there’s a problem

When it comes to professional communication, “Nothing is too small of a problem,” says Brezina, even if it’s just that the dog is eating slightly less of their meal than usual. Let the owner know so they can keep an eye on their pooch, too.

Also, if you mess up on the job, “Don’t be afraid to tell the owners, even if it’s a big mistake.”

5. Never leave dog park gates open

While entering or exiting a double-gated dog park, make sure not to open one gate as someone is opening the other, or you might be faced by a herd of escaping dogs and their panicked owners.

6. Never assume you’re alone in a client’s home

Brezina says this is true even if the home seems empty. For example, if a client says you should feel free to have a glass of water and you take them up on the offer, he suggests that you loudly announce what you’re doing. As in, “Hey Jack. I’m gonna come in now to grab a glass of water.” That way if there are any humans inside, they won’t be startled to find a stranger in their kitchen.

7. Never eat in front of dogs

All that walking might make you hungry, but according to Miller, “Don’t eat your lunch while walking a dog. Unless you really didn’t want that sandwich.”

Ultimately, the key to being a successful dog walker is simple, says Brezina, “You’ve gotta love dogs.” Otherwise, “it’s not worth it.” So if you have the type of love for dogs that makes you want to play with them, hurricane or shine, then grab a leash and keep these tips in mind as you start walking.

Shayna Abramson is a native Manhattanite currently pursuing a master’s degree in political science. She loves dogs, but loves her husband more.

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