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5 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Child’s Immune System

5 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Child’s Immune System

When school is in session, cold and flu are in season. A runny nose is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to health risks, but you don’t have to just accept this predicament. It is within your power to help your kid avoid it.    

Namely, the best way to protect the little ones is to make their immune system as strong as possible. It defends the body from external invaders every day and keeps the doctor away.

Therefore, don’t wait for sickness to come knocking on your door. Act proactively: simple, everyday actions make a big difference. So, enable the immune system to rev up and do it in a natural way, the best and safest way there is.


Teach proper hygiene

Good hygiene is another vital pillar of a sturdy immune system. It decreases the likelihood, severity, and duration of illnesses. Therefore, educate your child and nurture habits that will last a lifetime. Start by teaching how to wash their hands and brush their teeth properly.

When in a rush, use essential oil hand sanitizer and hand wipes to keep the germs at bay. Pay particular attention to hygiene after handling pets, playing outside, using the bathroom, etc. And to entice kids to really follow these best practices, let them choose their colorful soaps, toothbrushes, and towels.

Assemble a toxin-free living environment

Furthermore, you have to do away with toxins in your living environment. Some of them already exist in materials, paints, and furnishing, while others we invite to come inside, most often in the form of chemicals that skin care products and household cleaners contain.

So, pay close attention to what you buy and figure out ways to reduce indoor air pollution. Use essential oils to detox and clean the air and employ natural filters – plants. To stay on the safe side, you can also take advantage of HEPA-certified air purifiers.


Ensure healthy nutrition

Nutrition is the bedrock of a strong immune system. Namely, a balanced, wholesome diet is a good place to start as it provides the body with ample nutrients that work miracles. First off, minimize the amount of processed and canned food. Cook more often instead of letting your child eat out.

Kick off the day with a Kenwood citrus juicer for a daily dose of vitamin C, a nutrient our body cannot effectively store and constantly craves. Likewise, prep veggies ahead of time and pack them for school. To patch any nutrient holes in their diet, feel free to utilize natural supplements and herbal remedies.

Alleviate stress and anxiety

We often assume that only adults are prone to the detrimental propulsion of stress and anxiety. However, in today’s fast-paced world, children are over-scheduled and stressed out too. What is more, their bodies respond to stress in the same manner our bodies do.

So, to prevent their immune system from being inhibited, allow them enough leisure. Their play and rest are irreplaceable parts of the proper functioning of the immune system. You may need to refrain from micromanaging every aspect of their daily life.


Foster good sleeping habits

An occasional nap does help, but nothing can replace a good night’s sleep. Therefore, to enhance the immune system of a child, you should keep an eye on its sleeping habits and patterns. Depending on their age, kids require between ten and 14 hours of sleep.

For positive effects to kick in, the quality of sleep must be sufficient. This could mean that they have to get used to sleeping in complete dark, without night lights. Also, it helps to free the room of the electromagnetic presence of gadgets that disrupt sleep.

All systems go

Children’s immune systems are well-designed, but also very intricate frameworks. You as a parent need to provide conditions and environment that allow them to thrive.

So, make sure your kid eats healthy and adheres to principles of good hygiene. Deal with any toxins it could be exposed at home. Stick to natural options that keep the body out of the harm’s way and do not force the child to take the bad with the good.

You will empower your kid to withstand viral illnesses that roam around in cold weather.  It will not be immune to these menaces, but it will be much less likely to fall victim to them.