Philly parents are always on the lookout for tricks to make parenting easier. We look for ways to attend the city’s most popular kid-friendly events without breaking the bank. On long rainy days, where we are stuck inside, we want to be armed with tips on how to get through them. If we can find five free minutes to kill, we want to kill them scanning through inspirational parenting memes. (Seriously, who couldn’t kill a few hours mindlessly scrolling through inspirational parenting memes?!) These days you can find all of that, and more, online.
Digging through all of the mom blogs out there can seem daunting — especially when you’re on the hunt for ones that specifically focus on our fair city. More importantly, who has the time to dig through all of those websites to find the best that the internet has to offer? Well, today is your lucky day because I have that kind of time.
I scoured the internet and found the best mom blogs the Philadelphia area had to offer. Whatever “mom knowledge” you’re searching for — whether it’s crock pot meals, discounted tickets to ride the Zooballoon, or how to find the best sitter — you’re sure to find it here in one of these Philly-based mom blogs.
Frugal Philly Mom, by Linda Vertlieb

Run by Philadelphia native Linda Vertlieb, Frugal Philly Mom is a blog dedicated to finding the best deals on events happening in and around the city. From giveaways to discounted tickets, she’s done all of the legwork so we don’t have to. Whenever I want to attend an event, I visit this blog first for coupons. There is also a section of frugal tips for everyday life that you don’t want to miss. I don’t want to sound melodramatic, but some of these have changed my life. It’s where I learned that you can save your coupons and store loyalty cards directly to your smart phones, and my keychain has never been so light. Follow her Facebook page for even more tips and discounts.
Mommy’s Lil’ Black Book, by Jen Flannery

Southeastern Pennsylvania mom Jen Flannery runs Mommy’s Lil’ Black Book, another blog that helps you find the best deals on local events. The thing that sets this site apart from the rest is that her Facebook page acts as a modern-day bulletin board for moms in the area, where you can advertise your yard sale or fundraiser. Readers can also submit questions directly to Flannery, and she’ll take your query to her followers. I’ve seen requests ranging from recommendations for toddler dance classes to breastfeeding advice.
I love it because I get to see what other locals are talking about in our area. Whether it’s the best pediatricians or the most affordable summer camps, I get access to the inside track of the cream of the crop. I am also a huge fan of how she hosts local gatherings with small businesses in the community. The “touch a truck” events are my personal favorite. Where else can your little ones safely get up close to fire trucks and the like? These give us an opportunity to see our neighbors more than our usual awkward wave as we pass on the sidewalk.
A Day in Our Shoes, by Lisa Lightner

This blog gives resources and tips to parents of children with special needs. Based out of Avondale, Lisa has put together lists of best practices for dealing with everything from Individualized Education Programs to travel. She gives directions on how to advocate for your child and how to become a citizen lobbyist and video tutorials for managing all of the paperwork that can come along with parenting a child with special needs. There are also recipes, tips for relieving stress, and inspirational memes on her Facebook page. Some of my favorite things her site has to offer are tips on inclusion and conversational sensitivity. It offers a great base for starting conversations with your children about the people that live in your community.
Views From a Step Stool, by Katie Chiavarone

This is a great craft and parenting-focused blog. Combining her degree in educational psychology and background in special education, Katie Chiavarone writes tips on gentle parenting, child crafts, and gardening. I don’t know about you, but I love finding new and inexpensive ways to keep my kids busy, and there is nothing more fun for my kids (and cheaper for me) than having them play in the dirt.
Chiavarone’s blog is full of suggestions for kid-friendly crafts and activities. Plus, as a bonus, most of them don’t even require you to leave home (perfect for rainy days or when it’s too hot to take the littlest ones anywhere) and can be done with supplies you already have on hand! Follow her on Facebook.
Wee Wander, by Ashley Primis and Christine LeJeune

Two of the editors at Philadelphia Magazine run this blog, and they truly have the inside scoop. The site calls itself a “parent’s guide to navigating Philadelphia,” and that’s exactly what it is. These two moms have compiled lists of everything a parent could ever need to know about living and raising children in this city.
Their information is current, fresh, and it’s in line with what is trending across the country. They have lists of classes for parents and children, reviews on eateries, and lists of local events. They have also provided a list of gyms that provide child care while you work out, which means I have zero excuses left as to why I can’t join a spin class. So thanks for that, ladies! Stay on top of what’s going on in the city with their Facebook page.
BONUS BLOG: When we’re talking about the best of Philly, we obviously can’t forget about our neighbors over the bridge!
Jersey Family Fun, by Jennifer Auor

New Jersey is so close to Philly and has so much to offer. The best part is that for most Philadelphians, it’s just a hop, skip, and a bridge away! And with summertime right around the corner, so, too, are weekend trips down the shore. This blog gives you all the best goings-on in the Garden State (and as a bonus, they have a section of “free and practically free” activities for kids of all ages).
Created by blogger Jennifer Auor, this site is exclusively for family-friendly events and activities and is directed at everyone from parents to grandparents. Follow her Facebook page for extra tips. For example, did you know you can check out local museum passes at your library for free?
Lauren Wellbank is a wife, mother, and parenting blogger living in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA. Follow her at