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20 Ways to Help a Friend With a Sick Pet

Does someone you care about have a sick pet? Here are 20 things you can do to help him!

20 Ways to Help a Friend With a Sick Pet

Does your friend have a sick puppy? If so, you’ve probably been racking your brain to come up with all the different ways you can help her get through this difficult time. From sending a sweet note to running a few errands, there’s a bunch of things you can do to show that you’re there for her.

Here are 20 things you can do to help a friend who has a sick pet:

  1. Check in With Your Friend on a Regular Basis
    Reach out to your friend via text, email or a good, old-fashioned phone call to let him know that you’re thinking about him during his time of need.
  2. Offer to Babysit Her Children During Appointments
    Your friend will appreciate the opportunity to focus on her pet when she’s at the vet’s office.
  3. Be Quick to Listen and Slow to Speak
    Oftentimes, when a person is going through this type of stressful situation, they just need someone to listen to him. Try not to give advice unless you’re specifically asked to do so.
  4. Research Pet Illness Support Groups and Pass the Information Along
    Your friend might want to talk to people who are in similar circumstances.
  5. Reminisce About Happier and Healthier Times
    Encourage your friend to focus on the positive by sharing your favorite memories and photographs that feature her pet’s smiling face.
  6. Keep Your Friend Company in the Waiting Room
    He’ll appreciate the distraction when his pet is in surgery or receiving treatment.
  7. Bring Her a Home-Cooked Meal
    Your friend’s going through a lot right now, and cooking may not be her top priority.
  8. Offer to Pick Up His Pet’s Prescription
    This quick errand can really help to simplify your friend’s day.
  9. Offer to Care for Her Other Pets
    Your friend’s other pets may not be getting the attention they need. Why not offer to watch them during vet appointments? Or perhaps you can take the dogs on walks and other outings.
  10. Have Your Child Make a “Get Well” Card
    Children have a special way of making almost anyone smile. A card made by your little one is sure to help brighten your friend’s day.
  11. Offer to Run His Errands
    Your friend might not want to leave his pet at home alone for extended periods of time. It would probably be helpful if you could pick up a few necessities for him while you’re out.
  12. Refrain From Saying “Call Me if You Need Anything”
    Instead, suggest specific ways that you’d like to help your loved one. When someone is in the middle of a crisis, it can be difficult for her to remember who offered to help and what kind of help they’re willing to provide.
  13. Create a Central Place Online to Post Health Updates
    A blog or private page is the perfect place to update friends and family members on a pet’s condition. This will prevent your friend from having to make a bunch of phone calls to rehash the same update.
  14. Go With the Flow
    A sick pet’s condition can fluctuate from day to day. Be sure to celebrate any good news with your friend and offer a shoulder to cry on when things aren’t going so well.
  15. Refrain From Dropping in to Visit Unannounced
    Make sure to call ahead and confirm that your friend and his pet are up for company.
  16. Rally Support
    Encourage your friend’s loved ones to do what they can to help out.
  17. Drive Your Friend to Her Pet’s Veterinary Appointments
    She’ll appreciate the company during the trip.
  18. Send Him a Handwritten Card or Letter
    By passing along a special note, you can let your friend know that you’re thinking about him as he deals with his pet’s illness. Even though so much of today’s communication has gone digital, almost everyone loves getting snail mail!
  19. Send a Care Package
    Pack a special box with the things that your friend and her pet love.
  20. Prepare Yourself to Handle a Medical Emergency
    Want to be ready to help your friend’s pet? Get Trained in Pet First Aid and CPR.

Can you think of any other ways to help someone with a sick pet? Tell us in the comments!

NJ Rongner is a lifestyle and parenting writer who encourages her readers to chase a sweet life well-lived on her blog, A Cookie Before Dinner.