Back to school is a time of new backpacks, new beginnings and, of course, new fodder for parents trying to survive this joyous and hectic time. (Thanks, Twitter!)
From obligatory first-day-of-school photos to the hell that is last-minute, back-to-school shopping, here are 24 of the best back-to-school tweets from parents.
Deep breaths, everyone…
1. Do any of us every learn?
2. Great timing, kiddo
3. The case for waiting until the very last second
4. Oh, no you don’t
5. Really, it’s the same thing when you think about it
6. When you have serious mixed feelings
7. Way to start off strong
8. Sounds about right
9. What’s the problem, kiddo?
10. Pretty much
11. It’s actually a good tactic
12. Seemed like a good idea at the time
13. Really, it’s all relative
14. Well, when you look at it that way
15. Flipping the script
16. Got anything on the dry side?
17. So, yeah — there’s that
18. Have to respect the honesty here
19. Misery loves company
20. Pretty solid plan
21. Living out your childhood dreams
22. When your own parents finally make sense
23. #iykyk
24. Because every weekend is a pee party
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