Writing thank-you notes is the most troublesome part of the holidays. Right after putting up the tree, and sending Christmas cards, and baking 38 platters of cookies, and finding sweaters for everyone, and staying on a budget, and making small-talk at office Christmas parties. You know what, pretty much all of this is stressful. But thank-you cards always seem to get pushed to the end of the line anyway – especially if you’re eight.
Here are 11 of the most hilariously bad thank you notes from kids that really sum up the true meaning of the season (sort of):
1) Gratitude, With a Side of BURRRNNNN

2) Um…I’m Gonna Need to Buy a Vowel, Pat

3) Dear God, Please Pay Attention to the Details Next Time. Thank You

4) This Kid’s Dad Clearly Has High Standards for Teachers

5) They Say It’s the Thought That Counts…

6) The Upside? At Least They Didn’t Give Scott a Sling Shot

7) Now Here’s a Kid Who Truly Appreciates the Little Things

8) Field Trips Are Good, but a Pecan Pie Is Better

9) When You Care Enough to Send a Thing

10) Love Is Blind…and Sometimes, It Tastes Terrible, Too

11) The Best Thank You Note in the History of Time. The End. We’re Done Here