Why should humans be the only ones to enjoy home-baked goodies during the holidays? Choose one of these recipes for homemade Christmas dog treats from our festive list. Not only are they simple to make, they’ll fill any pooch’s holiday stocking — and belly — with cheer.
1. Christmas pudding cookie dog treats
Not only are these dog Christmas treats festive, they’re about as cute as can be. While these Christmas pudding dog cookies from Baking Mad don’t contain anything crazy (the “pudding” is yogurt and honey), they are decorated to look like mini holiday puddings! Clever and cute.
2. Apple mint Christmas dog bones

These low-fat, low-calorie minty dog cookies from Best Dog Treat Recipes will keep for several months. Added bonus: Mint may aid in dog’s digestion while it freshens their breath. Use spinach powder to give the cookies a festive green color.
3. Dog candy canes
These dog candy canes from Brutus Bone Broth take some work, but they’re festive and a great way to get your kids involved in the baking. You can freeze them for up to six months, so you can get a head start on them. Tie some up with a pretty ribbon and give them as gifts to all the pups in your life.
4. Gingerbread dog cookies
Nothing says Christmas like gingerbread cookies! These gingerbread dog cookies from Gone to the Snow Dogs are simple to make, and the recipe can be doubled or tripled easily, making them a great way to spread holiday cheer to local shelter dogs. Classic dog Christmas treats!
5. Christmas cookies
The blogger behind The Scrumptious Pumpkin originally made these Christmas dog treats for her beagle, Calvin — these Calivin’s Christmas Cookies are a huge hit. The cookies are full of healthy, whole ingredients, including unsweetened applesauce, organic honey and olive oil. Plus, the organic dried cranberries and green pumpkin seeds give them a festive look.
6. Dog treats with pumpkin and peanut butter

These dog treats with pumpkin and peanut butter from 2 Bees in a Pod are a breeze to make and contain only six ingredients: whole wheat flour, eggs, canned pumpkin, peanut butter, salt and cinnamon. You can use a cookie cutter to turn them into fun shapes, whether that’s dog bones or more festive shapes like Christmas trees or snowmen.
7. Nutty bacon dog treats
When the blogger behind Dog Hill Kitchen originally made these nutty bacon dog treats for her pooches, they went a bit, uh, nutty. That’s because these Christmas dog treats are full of delicious ingredients that dogs love, such as bacon, all-natural peanut butter (or sun butter) and maple syrup.
8. Irresistible Christmas cookie dog treats

If you’re pressed for time, these Christmas cookie dog treats from BarkPost are quick and easy to make. Plus, with only five ingredients — flour, baking powder, peanut butter, non-fat plain Greek yogurt and water — they’re inexpensive, too. Use mini Christmas cookie cutters to up the festive factor.
9. Peanut butter and carob dog treats
This recipe for peanut butter and carob dog treats from Dalmation DIY uses carob, a chocolate alternative that’s safe for dogs (chocolate can be dangerous for canines). They are also low in purine, making them a good choice for preventing kidney stones in pups, according to the Dalmatian Club of America.
10. Christmas carob mint dog cookies

These Christmas carob mint dog cookies from Paw Luxury are dipped in melted carob, giving them a delicious chocolatey flavor. They’ll also look great in a cellophane bag tied with a Christmas ribbon, so you can give them to all the dogs in your life.