101 newborn activities for parents and their bundles of joy

There's plenty of visual, movement and speaking newborn activities to choose from to keep your little one entertained

101 newborn activities for parents and their bundles of joy

The first few months of a newborn’s life might make parents feel like they’re stuck on a hamster wheel. Feed. Change diaper. Sleep (for the newborn). Wash. Rinse. Repeat. It’ll definitely leave you searching the web and baby books for newborn activities to fill the time.

This change in lifestyle might have new parents feeling anxious or stressed with feelings of “am I doing this right?” or “the baby is way more awake these days and I don’t know what to do!” It’s important to slow down and remember that those first few months are an important time for your newborn’s development and a special opportunity for some parent-and-baby bonding.

So what are some engaging newborn activities parents can do with their child? Jannette Rey, a clinical child psychologist and the co-director of Providence Behavioral Health Associates, and Dr. Michelle Lefebvre, a pediatrician at Partners in Pediatrics, cover the basic goals of speech, movement, strengthening and bonding. And we gave some a twist to make the days a little more fun and entertaining for those of us who are sleep deprived!

Speaking and language newborn activities

1. Read any novel aloud.

2. Recite the ABCs with different accents.

3. Sing Adele or your some of your favorite songs. (Your baby is no music critic.)

4. Sing nursery rhymes and lullabies.

5. Walk around the house and point out your favorite keepsakes.

6. Touch and recite body part names, such as leg, arms and toes.

7. Have a pretend conversation about the weather.

8. Read baby books like you’re a stage actor.

9. Imitate their noises.

10. Say their name over and over.

11. Make meals with them watching you and recite the recipe a la Julia Child.

12. Talk to them when they can’t see you, like when they’re in their crib and you’re in the bathroom.

13. Take turns making noises. You coo, wait for them to make a noise, you make a different noise.

14. Tell fun and interesting stories about family members.

15. Repeat sounds they make and add words.

16. Answer them when they “call out.”

17. Recite the names of family members.

Activities for hand movement

18. Flex and extend their hands.

19. Clap their hands to the beat of your favorite song.

20. Touch their hands to their head.

21. Cross-body touch with their hands.

22. Help them hug a stuffed animal.

23. Let them hold your finger.

24. Use a textured glove to touch their hands.

25. Touch their hands to different objects.

26. Touch their hands to your lips while you move them.

Activities for foot movement

27. Flex and extend their feet.

28. Make a scissors motion with their feet.

29. Make a straddling motion with their feet.

30. Make a kicking motion with their feet.

31. Dance while holding them.

32. Use a textured glove to touch their feet.

33. Cross-body touch with their feet.

Newborn activities for core strength movement

34. Get involved in tummy time. (Always monitor baby for breathing safety while on their tummy.)

35. Add toys to tummy time.

36. Do baby sit-ups, either placing baby in your lap, or if their neck is strong, hold their hands and pull them up from a horizontal position.

37. Try tummy time with a floor mirror.

38. Read a book to them during tummy time.

39. Get on your belly and do some face-to-face tummy time.

40. Help them reach for toys.

41. Have your newborn tuck their knees under their belly for support.

42. Lay them on both of their sides.

43. Sit them up while holding them, and sway to some music.

44. Help them to roll over on both sides.

Visual activities

45. Move objects that they can track with their eyes.

46. Partake in face-gazing. (Aka have a staring contest.)

47. Show them objects with bright colors.

48. Hold objects on a string above them.

49. Hang colorful scarves from the ceiling.

50. Track a flashlight beam.

51. Take them outside and show them leaves and flowers.

52. Play “where’d it go” with plastic containers and a small toy. Just keep extra-small things out of your baby’s reach.

53. Show them a photo album with family members, and tell stories behind the pictures.

More playful newborn activities

54. Test out a local music or mommy and me class.

55. Blow some belly raspberries.

56. Give your baby a massage with lotion.

57. Imitate their movements.

59. Ring a bell from different areas of the room to see if they look for the sound.

58. Have skin-to-skin contact (and catch up on your favorite daytime talk show).

60. Show them sign language motions, such as the sign for milk.

61. Dance like only your baby’s watching. (They’re also not a dance critic.)

62. Bring them out to see a new public place (and so you feel normal again).

63. Show their reflection to them in a mirror.

64. Shake a rattle and try to get them to grasp it.

65. Try bathtime with toys.

66. Try finger play activities.

67. Count fingers and toes.

68. Do bicycle legs and “toes to the nose!”

69. Play some rounds of peek-a-boo.

70. Rock in a rocking chair, varying speeds.

71. Sway side to side while holding them.

72. Have a dance party with them in a front carrier or wrap.

73. Practice the thrill of anticipation, starting with your hands held high above their head and quickly coming down to tickle them.

74. Host a baby playdate.

75. Play with some toys that make noise.

76. Take a walk to a playground and watch big kids play.

77. Try a baby swing once your baby can sit up.

78. Take a walk to a dog park and point out all the dogs.

79. Pet soft objects around the house.

80. Practice being “gentle” by letting them explore your face.

81. Hold them up by their hands and let them “dribble” a soccer ball.

82. Try seeing what he does with a squeaker toy, like Sophie the Giraffe.

83. Plan a walking date with a mom or dad friend every day.

84. Find a nature path to explore.

85. Try a parent and baby yoga class or YouTube video.

86. Make different facial expressions, like happy, surprised, fish lips, etc.

87. Cuddle them.

88. Do some of your own exercises (planks!) during his tummy time.

89. Touch noses.

90. Visit a new ice cream shop and tell them how delicious it is.

91. Bounce them gently on your lap, supporting his head. (Learn the “Trot Trot to London” song.)

92. Take baby out to a new brunch spot each week.

93. Practice nursing / mixing bottles in public spaces, so you get more and more comfortable with it.

94. Explore landmarks together. Start chronicling your adventures.

95. Replace the main character’s name with your baby’s name during storytime.

96. Check out storytime at the local library.

97. Gently blow air on them.

98. Document their handprints and footprints in a baby book

99. Chart their growth somewhere you can always see it.

100. Splash in the sink.

101. Prop baby up with a Boppy and place rattles and favorite toys in view for them to reach and explore.

The main goal is to use these newborn activities to provide warm, loving attention, build trust and help your baby reach important milestones. But take your time. It’s important to follow your baby’s cues and not push them to do new things when they’re fussy or not feeling well.

Steve Auger

Steven Auger is freelance writer residing just north of Boston, Massachusetts.