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10 Ways to Be Your Cat’s Best Friend

You love your kitty, so show her you really care! Here are 10 ways to get you started on the path to everlasting cat friendship.

10 Ways to Be Your Cat’s Best Friend

Your cat is like a member of the family (but with fur and a tail, of course). You want to take care of him and make him feel loved, and becoming your cat’s best friend is key to a strong bond with your feline. In fact, you’re probably well on your way to becoming your cat’s best pal already, simply by bringing her into your home.

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, over 36 million other Americans have done the same thing. Now that she’s with you, take the time to learn how to anticipate her needs and make her feel even more welcome and comfortable.

Not sure what your cat likes? Here are 10 ways to become your cat’s best friend:


  1. Make Her Pretty
    Cats are well-equipped to groom themselves, but if you can get your cat accustomed to a pet brush you’ll be helping her look her best. Brushing your cat’s coat keeps it clean and shiny — and she’ll love it when you make this extra effort.
  2. Offer Treats
    Of course you feed your pet regularly and offer clean water, but shopping for a special treat is a nice touch, too. Don’t save those yummies for her Christmas stocking. Catch your cat being good and offer her a treat as a reward.
  3. See the Vet
    Your cat may act annoyed when you drag her to the doctor, but seeing a specialist is important. A yearly checkup ensures your cat is healthy, and it shows you care.
  4. Make a Special Bed
    Cats will sleep just about anywhere, from a warm pile of laundry to a patch of sun on the carpet. But why not provide a spot just for your kitty’s naps? A cozy soft bed in a quiet spot is just what she needs and deserves.
  5. Provide Some Fun
    Yarn, string, cat grass, catnip, balls that jingle, squeaky mice — the list is just about endless. Pick up a few toys and then engage your kitty in a play session. Make this a daily ritual and your friendship will be strong.
  6. Scoop the Poop
    Face it — no cat likes using a dirty litter box. Hold your nose and clean it out every couple of days.
  7. Be Careful With New Pets
    If you plan to add a dog or another cat to your home, go slow and take care. Your first cat may not take kindly to this addition, so watch for signs of aggression.
  8. Find Her Secret Spot
    Each cat has an area on her body she loves to have scratched. Poke around and find out which spot makes her the happiest and then zoom in on it.
  9. Board Her Well
    If you have to leave your cat for a day or a week, be certain to set her up in a situation you trust. Make sure she’s comfortable staying at a pet clinic or neighbor’s house.
  10. Protect Her
    Toddlers love to pull cat tails and smack them on the head, but don’t let this happen! Teach your kids to be gentle with your pet. Watch out for dogs who may chase and corner your best friend, too.

If you want to know if your cat loves you, take a look at I Love My Cat! 10 Ways to Know My Cat Loves Me, Too. What special things do you do for your cat? Let us know in the comments below!

Jennifer Kelly Geddes is a New York-based writer and editor who specializes in parenting, health and child development. She’s a frequent contributor to and the mom of two teen girls.