Employer-Sponsored Child Care

Employer-Sponsored Child Care

Employer-sponsored child care benefits support working caregivers while driving business impact through increased productivity and retention rates.

Employer-sponsored child care drives business impact

Employers that offer Care benefits report:

  • 30% decrease in employee absences
  • 34% increase in productivity
  • 21% decrease in employee turnover
  • 29% increase in recruitment

Supporting employees with children at every age

Cost and lack of access to child care is a major stressor for working parents, making employer-sponsored child care an in-demand benefit.

  • 73% of employees have caregiving responsibilities
  • 87% miss work when regular care is not available
  • 59% of employees say family care benefits are among the most important benefits they value

Employer-sponsored child care resources

dad looking up child care benefits

Top 5 employee child care benefits and why your company should offer them 

Employee child care benefits are provided by employers to help employees better manage the demands of working and parenting–and to help them solve three core problems: finding care, affording care,
Read more about Top 5 employee child care benefits and why your company should offer them 
family care benefits

Why family care benefits are essential in uncertain times

When the care crisis peaked during the COVID-19 pandemic and the “Great Resignation,” and more than 4 million people resigned and 50% of families left a job due to caregiving
Read more about Why family care benefits are essential in uncertain times
dad looking up child care benefits

Child Care Benefits Employees Need Now

The last few years have taken a toll on working parents in the United States. Between juggling jobs and caring for their children in the middle of a pandemic, they
Read more about Child Care Benefits Employees Need Now