Welcome to a new way to find a sitter

Less hassle, less stress, more Care.


Tell us the date, time, and a few more details to get started.


Choose from a list of local, background-checked sitters and we’ll book one.


Online payments are sent directly to your sitter. No cash needed.

As seen in:

Finding a sitter is easier than ever

Local, background-checked babysitters are ready to help you. 

100% of sitters are background-checked

Confirm your sitter in 24 hours or less

Cancel anytime

Easy online payments


Average rating (4000+ reviews)

Nicole was a fantastic last-minute backup sitter. She responded quickly to messages, arrived promptly with a friendly smile, played with the kids, and sent photos and text updates during the evening. We look forward to having her again.

-Rebecca G.

Your trust and safety are our priority

At Care, we care – about you, your safety, and your experience. That’s why we screen the members of our community, provide tips and tools to help you have safe experiences, and stand ready to support you if you need it.

The largest network of background-checked sitters online

Paloma T.

Forest Hills, NY

Hired by 5 families in your neighborhood


Repeat clients


Response rate

1 hour

Response time

Paola R.

Chicago, IL

Hired by 12 families in your neighborhood


Repeat clients


Response rate

1 hour

Response time

Penny A.

Austin, TX

Hired by 22 families in your neighborhood


Repeat clients


Response rate

2 hours

Response time

Care.com does not employ any caregiver and is not responsible for the conduct of any user of our site. All information in member profiles, job posts, applications, and messages is created by users of our site and not generated or verified by Care.com. You need to do your own diligence to ensure the job or caregiver you choose is appropriate for your needs and complies with applicable laws. 

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