10,769 bird sitters are listed on Care.com
The average posted rate is $15/hr as of December 2024
The average star rating for rated bird sitters is 4.8
Red Cross Pet First Aid Certified
Hired by 1 family in your neighborhood
Hired by 1 family in your neighborhood
Care member
Hired by 1 family in your neighborhood
Dogs and cats may be the most popular types of pets, but plenty of families have a bird or a flock of birds they love and need to care for. From parrot sitters to exotic bird sitters to duck sitters, with the help of Care.com, you can find whatever type of bird sitter you need to keep your favorite pets safe while you’re on vacation or traveling for work.
10,769providers |
3.8 yrsavg. experience |
2,521member reviews |
4.8 / 5avg. rating |
Average Rating4.8 / 5
Bird Sitters are rated 4.8 out of 5 stars based on 2,521 reviews of the 10,769 listed bird sitters.