At, we realize that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That's why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For actual rates, contact the business directly.

Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.

Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.

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In business since: 2015
Total Employees: 2-10

LICENSING INFORMATION has not verified this business license. We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or state licensing department to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.
The Safety Center has many resources and tools to assist you in verifying and evaluating potential care providers.


Monday :
7:00AM - 7:00PM
Tuesday :
7:00AM - 7:00PM
Wednesday :
7:00AM - 7:00PM
Thursday :
7:00AM - 7:00PM
Friday :
7:00AM - 7:00PM
Saturday :
7:00AM - 7:00PM
Sunday :
8:00AM - 12:00PM

Program Details

Pet sitting/Walking
Pet Day Care
Service details
Daily walking
Daily feeding
Special diets
Overnight sitting
Special care for aged pets
Special care for young pets
Special care for timid pets
Administration of medication
24/7 Supervision
Emergency transportation
Facillity based
24/7 Supervision
Emergency transportation
Pet Restriction:
Outdoor Square Footage:
Indoor Square Footage:
Care for

Cost & Availability

Services Rate Rate Type Availability
-- -- -- --
  • Cash|
  • Credit Card

Ratings & Reviews

( 2)
Nothing is as it seems here. PLEASE READ THIS!!

I used to absolutely love this place. I started bringing my pups here when Yuppies first opened after meeting Leah and her husband and seeing that they were pretty good people. When we started coming, this place was cage free and the dogs played all day. My boys loved it!

Fast forward a few months later - they implement this schedule that includes 3 hours of play time a day and a total of about 2-3 hours of walks a day. Oh, but wait a minute - that's the total time for EVERYONE to play and EVERYONE does not get to play at the same time. I never did get a straight answer as to how much activity my boys were actually getting.

When the schedule was implemented my dogs started getting sick after coming home. I thought it was nerves, but I did find it odd that it had never happened before when I boarded them at other places where they got to play all day, and it was always one and not the other getting sick and it was never the same one. Finally, the last time I came and one of my dogs got sick I called Leah and asked her if there was anything she could think of that may have made my dog sick. She said it was probably nerves. Well, an $800 vet bill later, I decided I was done, and I'm glad I did..

I ran into someone who used to work at Yuppies - he told me he quit because of how they treated the dogs. Apparently, the dogs barely get any playtime and walk time because this place allows more dogs than they can handle to give proper care to. I also found out from this employee that that one time my black lab (who is very assertive for a black lab) came home with very deep scratches all over his neck - he actually did get into an altercation with another dog. Yuppies told me they had no idea what happened.

DO NOT COME HERE!! I wish I had trusted my instincts once they switched over to the schedule and couldn't give me a straight answer about anything. It would have saved me a lot of money and my pup a lot of suffering.
I had to take my puppy to the vet because he had diarrhea. My pup came home with a parasite. I was told the day I picked him up they added food to the food I left him without my permission first. And his chew toy I packed for him smelled of urine and feces.
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