Daycare Center
23931 Jensen Dr Canoga Park California 91304, Canoga Park, CA 91304
At Veritas Detox, your journey to sobriety begins with a detoxification treatment program. Receiving medical care will help you manage any withdrawal symptoms, including nausea and vomiting, that may occur. You'll also receive around-the-clock support from experienced addiction specialists who know how to help patients overcome their addictions. As soon as you walk into our alcohol and drug detox in Los Angeles. Our team will begin creating a custom treatment plan for you. This treatment plan will consider your medical history and any other factors that may have contributed to your addiction. We provide comprehensive care programs that treat the whole person. Our goal is to address the underlying issues that contribute to substance abuse so that you can achieve lasting recovery.
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23931 Jensen Dr Canoga Park California 91304, Canoga Park, CA 91304
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