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In-Home Daycare

Tyler's Child Care Services

Pobox 327, Talkeetna, AK 99676


I provide child care in my own home from 7:30am-5pm Monday through Friday for children age 2 - 5.
I also do school runs for preschool age children that attend the afternoon preschool group at Talkeetna Elementary.

Children in my care learn, grow and explore there world through age appropriate games, arts and crafts, nature walks and treasure hunts and lots of imaginative play.

Children will usually arrive between 7:30-8am and have free time to settle in and say Hi to there friends.
8:15am we transition to center time which can be anything from water/sand play to playdoh, coloring, cutting and gluing or building with blocks/boxes.
8:45am centers are cleaned up and children have free play.
9:15am we clean up the room, read a story, wash hands then have breakfast.
9:30/9:45am we usually head outside for a walk or play and if the weather is bad we dance and play inside.
10:15/10:30am free play inside
11am clean up and story time.
11:20am wash hands and get lunch ready. Eat lunch.
12 noon Drive to school
Between 12:30 and 3:30pm non school age children Nap
3:45 meet school bus
4pm wash hands, snack
4:15/4:30 indoor/outdoor free play.
5pm Home time

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Pobox 327, Talkeetna, AK 99676

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We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or AK's licensing department to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.

Licensing requirements typically include:

  • Complying with safety and health inspections
  • Achieving the required levels of educational training
  • Maintaining a minimum caregiver-to-child ratio
  • Other state-defined requirements


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This is an in-home daycare. Pools, firearms, unvetted individuals and other hazards may be present. By clicking "Request Information", you give permission to send your information to local childcare businesses (and, if applicable, their parents/franchisors) so they can contact you. only verifies daycare license status, and not any other information that this daycare has provided. We do not endorse any particular daycare. We strongly recommend you verify the qualifications, credentials, and other details of any daycare or caregiver you are considering.