The Institutes for Learning and Development
The Institutes for Learning and Development
4 Militia Drive
4 Militia Drive
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About the business
The Institutes for Learning and Development (Research ILD and ILD) are sister organizations whose common mission is to transform the lives of students with learning and attention differences. ILD provides psychological, speech, language, and educational services that transform the lives of one student at a time. Our staff includes psychologists as well as specialists in reading, math, writing, speech and language, and learning differences. Masters and Ph. D. level personnel with expertise in specialized instruction methods including Project Read, Orton-Gillingham, Wilson, and Lindamood. We also specialize in strategy instruction for students with diverse learning profiles, provide assessments and counseling services, and workshops for students with executive function difficulties and their parents. Research ILD provides the evidence-based executive function strategies that transform the lives of students throughout the United States and internationally. We provide in-school and online programs for teachers and students, host educational conferences, and professional development workshops, and distribute our research-based findings through books and professional publications.
In business since: 1985
Total Employees: 11-50
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Program Details
Cost & Availability
Type | Rate | Rate Type | Availability |
-- | -- | -- | -- |
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