Daycare Center
2600 N 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19133
Half-day (afternoon)
Part time (1-4 days/week)
Taller Puertorriqueño, Inc. (Taller) is a community-based cultural organization whose primary purpose is to preserve, develop and promote Puerto Rican arts and culture, grounded in the conviction that embracing one’s cultural heritage is central to community empowerment. Taller is also committed to representing and supporting other Latino cultural expressions and our common roots.
The Cultural Exploration Program (CEP) is an after-school program that introduces kids to fundamental skills and techniques in drawing, painting, sculpture, dance, photography, drama, and more. Divided into two age groups, the Cultural Awareness Program (CAP) includes grades K-5, and the Advanced Cultural Exploration Program includes grades 6-8. An experienced team of bilingual artists, tutors, and staff offer a safe and nurturing environment for kids to develop their creativity, build their self-esteem, and strengthen their academic skill set.
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2600 N 5th St, Philadelphia, PA 19133
Age Range | Monthly Rate |
6 - 11 years | $30.00 |
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