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In-Home Daycare

Rise And Shine Family Daycare

110 Lower Rd., East Canaan, CT 06024


Daily Schedule and Activities!
Our daily schedule is structured and predictable yet allows for flexibility. I believe that maintaining a consistent schedule and routine is extremely important for children - consistency gives children security. Over time they learn that their needs will always be met and feel confidence about knowing what is going to happen next. We follow the same routine every day, however, minor adjustments are made if we go on a field trip, spend more time outside, or have special activities planned. However, meal, snack, story, and quiet/nap time are fixed and always occur either on or very near to their scheduled times.

Following is an outline of our daily routine:

7:15 a.m. Breakfast

8:00 a.m. Free play

9:15 a.m. Snack

9:45 a.m. Free play

10:00 a.m. Learning time (toddlers and preschoolers)

10:45 a.m. Outside time and/or group activity (arts, crafts, school activity, game, etc.)

11:45 a.m. Lunch

12:30 p.m. Clean-Up (play area)

1:00 p.m. D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything and Read)

1:30 p.m. Quiet time and naps; quiet play, crafts, and learning time for those not napping

3:30 p.m. Snack

4:00 p.m. Outside time and/or art activity and/or free play time until pick-up

Naps & Quiet Time-

I strongly believe in and encourage quiet/nap time for children. I feel it's very important for young children to get the critical sleep they need to grow and develop. Children in general are very active, and particularly so in my program where we are very active both indoors and out. Children are laid down to nap in the afternoon after story time and if your child does not wake up on his/her own, I will wake him/her up for snack time. I like to stay in communication with parents about their child's sleep so that, between nighttime sleep and daytime sleep, we may together make sure that your child is getting the sleep he/she needs to function optimally.

Generally, children "outgrow" nap time when they either don't fall asleep or take a very long time to fall asleep for naps (usually this happens around the age of 4 - 5). Once your child reaches this stage, he/she is welcome to stay awake in the afternoon but is encouraged to play quietly, not only to be respectful of those napping but also to get some quiet, down time for themselves. During this time we may do crafts, read, do learning activities, or play games. Quiet time ends at 3:30pm at snack time. Infants and younger toddlers nap throughout the day on demand or according to their current sleep schedule.

Outside Time-

We spend a LOT of time outdoors! I strongly encourage outdoor play and exploration, as this promotes physical exercise and an appreciation for nature. Research also suggests that exposure to the outdoors and nature improves attention spans and self-control in kids, boosts academic performance, helps children handle stress more effectively, and improves the immune system. We go outside at least once per day, anywhere from 15 minutes to two hours, depending on the weather. We usually go outside when the temperature is 35 degrees or above and outdoor activities depend on the weather and season. It is important that parents provide spare clothing - having fun involves outdoor play and many activities that are messy. In my day care, mud pies are made and puddles are splashed through!

Special Events-

Although every day is fun, we look forward to holidays and birthdays as this gives us an opportunity to celebrate and have even more fun together. I make holidays special with theme-filled crafts, activities, and foods for the day. Birthdays are celebrated with the birthday child getting to choose lunch for the day followed by singing and cake. The birthday child also receives a gift and we always have a dance party to celebrate. Not only is this fun but it creates a family atmosphere and helps create a spirit of giving among the child.

Rules & Manners-

As a parent, I value manners, respect for elders and others, respect for rules and property, and education, and every day work to instill these values in all the children I care for. Patience, sharing, responsibility, compassion for others, communication, and teamwork are practiced through the daily routine of the day care. I consistently work with children from age infancy on in using manners and talking kindly to each other. Children LOVE to be involved and help out and are recruited to help clean up indoors and outdoors, to promote a sense of responsibility, cooperation, and respect for property. This includes age appropriate household routines such as setting the table, picking up toys, watering plants, etc. We are all one day care "family" and enjoy spending our days playing with each other, learning from one another, and helping each other!

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110 Lower Rd., East Canaan, CT 06024

Center Highlights


  • Certified nursing assistant
  • Cpr training
  • Early childhood education (ece)
  • First aid training




6:30 AM - 5:30 PM


6:30 AM - 5:30 PM


6:30 AM - 5:30 PM


6:30 AM - 5:30 PM


6:30 AM - 5:30 PM






Age Range
Monthly Rate

1 - 11 months

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1 - 3 years

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4 - 5 years

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6 - 11 years

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We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or CT's licensing department to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.

Licensing requirements typically include:

  • Complying with safety and health inspections
  • Achieving the required levels of educational training
  • Maintaining a minimum caregiver-to-child ratio
  • Other state-defined requirements


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This is an in-home daycare. Pools, firearms, unvetted individuals and other hazards may be present. By clicking "Request Information", you give permission to send your information to local childcare businesses (and, if applicable, their parents/franchisors) so they can contact you. only verifies daycare license status, and not any other information that this daycare has provided. We do not endorse any particular daycare. We strongly recommend you verify the qualifications, credentials, and other details of any daycare or caregiver you are considering.

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