Richards Christian Academy
Richards Christian Academy
1083 Allgood Rd
1083 Allgood Rd
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Free one hour consultation. Please call 770-881-8369. Ask for Michelle Richards!
About the business
Richards Christian Academy is a small hybrid school. We offer tutoring in Lindamood Bell programs:
Visualizing and Verbalizing : The Visualizing and Verbalizing (V/V ) program develops concept imagery - the ability to create an imaged gestalt from language - as a basis for comprehension and higher order thinking. The development of concept imagery improves reading and listening comprehension, memory, oral vocabulary, critical thinking, and writing.
On Cloud Nine: The On Cloud Nine (OCN) program develops the ability to image and verbalize the concepts and processes of math. Concept imagery and numeral imagery are integrated with language to improve both mathematical reasoning and mathematical computation.
Seeing Stars: The Seeing Stars program develops symbol imagery - the ability to visualize sounds and letters in words - as a basis for orthographic awareness, phonemic awareness, word attack, word recognition, spelling, and contextual reading fluency.
LIPS: The Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing (LiPS ) Program develops phonemic awareness, reading, spelling, and speech. Students discover the physical characteristics of each phoneme and use this kinesthetic feedback to verify sounds within words.
We also offer Academic Assessments: Woodcock Johnson Achievement and Cognitive Skills, Scales for Diagnosing ADHD (SCALES), Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing - (CTOPP-2) alone with several other informal tests.
Tutoring costs $45.00 hour. Most children need a minimum of 3 hours a week for reading and comprehension.
Education Therapy is offered at $85.00 per hour.
What is Ed Therapy? Educational therapists collaborate with all the significant people concerned with the student s learning, and they work not only on remediation, but also on building self-awareness and underlying learning skills to help students become more self-reliant, efficient learner. An educational therapist provides individualized intensive intervention, conducts formal and informal assessment of academic skills, and utilizes specific, and when appropriate, alternative teaching strategies. An educational therapist also can provide case management for clients with a wide range of learning disabilities and learning issues by coordinating with the student s team of teachers, parents, and allied professionals. An educational therapist has extensive training in learning disabilities and other forms of learning difficulties.
Visualizing and Verbalizing : The Visualizing and Verbalizing (V/V ) program develops concept imagery - the ability to create an imaged gestalt from language - as a basis for comprehension and higher order thinking. The development of concept imagery improves reading and listening comprehension, memory, oral vocabulary, critical thinking, and writing.
On Cloud Nine: The On Cloud Nine (OCN) program develops the ability to image and verbalize the concepts and processes of math. Concept imagery and numeral imagery are integrated with language to improve both mathematical reasoning and mathematical computation.
Seeing Stars: The Seeing Stars program develops symbol imagery - the ability to visualize sounds and letters in words - as a basis for orthographic awareness, phonemic awareness, word attack, word recognition, spelling, and contextual reading fluency.
LIPS: The Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing (LiPS ) Program develops phonemic awareness, reading, spelling, and speech. Students discover the physical characteristics of each phoneme and use this kinesthetic feedback to verify sounds within words.
We also offer Academic Assessments: Woodcock Johnson Achievement and Cognitive Skills, Scales for Diagnosing ADHD (SCALES), Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing - (CTOPP-2) alone with several other informal tests.
Tutoring costs $45.00 hour. Most children need a minimum of 3 hours a week for reading and comprehension.
Education Therapy is offered at $85.00 per hour.
What is Ed Therapy? Educational therapists collaborate with all the significant people concerned with the student s learning, and they work not only on remediation, but also on building self-awareness and underlying learning skills to help students become more self-reliant, efficient learner. An educational therapist provides individualized intensive intervention, conducts formal and informal assessment of academic skills, and utilizes specific, and when appropriate, alternative teaching strategies. An educational therapist also can provide case management for clients with a wide range of learning disabilities and learning issues by coordinating with the student s team of teachers, parents, and allied professionals. An educational therapist has extensive training in learning disabilities and other forms of learning difficulties.
In business since: 2001
Total Employees: 11-50
Awards & Accreditations
All of our tutors have had extensive training in the programs that we use.
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Monday :
9:00AM - 5:00PM
Tuesday :
9:00AM - 5:00PM
Wednesday :
9:00AM - 5:00PM
Thursday :
9:00AM - 5:00PM
Friday :
9:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturday :
9:00AM - 12:00AM
Sunday :
Program Details
One to one
High School
Elementary School
College/Graduate level
Middle School & Jr. High
Special Needs
Learning Disabilities
Academic Skills
Study Skills
Homework help
Travel Radius(in miles):
Cost & Availability
Type | Rate | Rate Type | Availability |
-- | -- | -- | -- |
- Personal Check|
- Cash|
- Credit Card
Free one hour consultation. Please call 770-881-8369. Ask for Michelle Richards!
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