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Rachel's Natural Learning Home Child Care Logo

In-Home Daycare

Rachel's Natural Learning Home Child Care

437 W School House Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19144

based on 1 review


I m looking to welcome (3) children into my home for 30-50 hours a week at $10-$12 an hour. Ages welcomed are 2-6, (children who are not yet in school and have full days in need of care)

Highlights of my Home Care:

Child-Led Learning Letting the child being the initiator of their learning. I will have focused attention towards your child s interests, passions, and unique learning style and will be making strong efforts to bring any resources available to your child to facilitate their learning. And have fun doing so! I want to nurture and celebrate their natural sense of joy, wonder and belief in their own limitless potential.

Emotional Support and Nurturance The most important aspect of childcare is connecting and meeting the emotional needs of children. I will create an environment for your child that allows them to be heard and express themselves freely without judgement. When they feel emotionally satisfied is when they are truly able to thrive and learn.

Organic, Healthy, and Kid-Friendly Lunch and Snacks When it comes to picky eaters I know what I m dealing with. Children do not like to feel controlled when it comes to their diet, that s why I will take initiative in getting the children (even the very young ones) involved in the process. An example would be taking them to the farmers market and letting them pick the veggie that they would like to help me prepare, or finding ways to turn their favorite meals healthy with the best quality ingredients. Allowing choices helps children to feel included and empowered to eat healthy. *All included in the cost

Weekly Fieldtrips As fulfilling as the indoor projects and playing will be, there s nothing quite like exploring! We will go on weekly outings to stimulate your child s mind and get natural sunlight. I am located right next to Cloverly Park, the Wissahickon River & Trails, The Zoo, The Touch It Children s Museum, and the Farmers Market. *All included in the cost

Discipline - What sets me apart from most nannies is my way of dealing with negative behaviors. I believe in setting limits using gentle guidance instead of punitive punishments. I will never shame your child or give them time outs because I have a deep understanding that a child s bad behavior is simply them acting out a need that they are unable to communicate. Instead I will investigate the ro

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437 W School House Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19144

Center Highlights


  • Cpr training
  • Early child development coursework
  • Early childhood education (ece)
  • First aid training




8:00 AM - 8:00 PM


8:00 AM - 8:00 PM


8:00 AM - 8:00 PM


8:00 AM - 8:00 PM


8:00 AM - 8:00 PM






Age Range
Monthly Rate

1 - 3 years

Contact this center for pricing

4 - 5 years

Contact this center for pricing


We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or PA's licensing department to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.

Licensing requirements typically include:

  • Complying with safety and health inspections
  • Achieving the required levels of educational training
  • Maintaining a minimum caregiver-to-child ratio
  • Other state-defined requirements


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This is an in-home daycare. Pools, firearms, unvetted individuals and other hazards may be present. By clicking "Request Information", you give permission to send your information to local childcare businesses (and, if applicable, their parents/franchisors) so they can contact you. only verifies daycare license status, and not any other information that this daycare has provided. We do not endorse any particular daycare. We strongly recommend you verify the qualifications, credentials, and other details of any daycare or caregiver you are considering.

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