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Quick Patient Care Providers, Llc


1910 Driftstone Ct, Richmond, TX, 77469

About Quick Patient Care Providers, Llc

This Agency can provide a service or a combination of services in your home. Services appropriate to the needs of the individual will be planned, coordinated and made available under the direction of qualified staff and with the input of the client.

Home Care Services includes the following tasks:

Bathing may include:
Drawing water in sink, basin, or tub;
Hauling or heating water;
Laying out supplies;
Assisting in or out of the tub or shower;
Sponge bathing and drying;
Tub bathing anddrying Providing standby assistance for safety Dressing may include: Dressing the client undressing the client Laying out clothes Meal preparation may include: Cooking a full meal Warming up prepared food Planning meals Helping prepare meals Cutting client's food for eating SERVICES-continued Feeding/Eating may include: Spoon feeding Feeding Assisting with using eating and drinking utensils and adaptive devices. This does not include tube feeding Provide standby assistance or encouragement Exercise, which is walking with the client Grooming/Shaving/Oral care may include: Shaving Brushing teeth Shaving underarms and legs, (when requested) Caring for nails Laying out supplies Routine Hair Care may include: Washing Hair Drying hair Assisting with setting, rolling, or braiding hair. This does not include styling, cutting, or chemical processing of the hair Combing or brushing hair Applying nonprescription lotion to skin Washing hands and face Applying makeup Laying out supplies Assistance with Self-Administered Medications: Reminding a client to take a medication at the prescribed time Opening and closing a medication container Pouring a predetermined quantity of liquid to be ingested Returning a medication to the proper storage area Assisting in reordering medications from a pharmacy Toileting may include: Changing diapers Changing colostomy bag or emptying catheter bag Assisting on or off the bedpan Assisting with the use of a urinal Assisting with feminine hygiene needs SERVICES-(continued): Toileting-(continued): Assisting with clothing during toileting Assisting with toilet hygiene, including the use of toilet paper and washing hands Changing external catheter Prepare toileting supplies and equipment. This does not include preparing catheter equipment Providing standby assistance Transfer/ambulation may include: Non-ambulatory movement from one stationary


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Location & Office hours

Quick Patient Care Providers, Llc

1910 Driftstone Ct, Richmond, TX 77469

Licensing information

We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or TX's licensing department to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.

Licensing requirements typically include:

  • Maintaining a minimum caregiver-to-senior ratio
  • Other state-defined requirements
  • Complying with safety and health inspections

Get a personalized quote and availability information from Quick Patient Care Providers, Llc. verifies on a monthly basis that this facility has an active license to operate. only verifies the license of a business. Any other information, including awards and accreditation, hours, and cost, were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to verify the license, qualifications, and credentials of any care providers on your own. does not endorse or recommend any particular business.