Park Slope Tutoring
Park Slope Tutoring
At, we realize that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That's why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For actual rates, contact the business directly.
Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.
About the business
Neighborhood tutoring business which has been active in Park Slope for approximately four years. Reasonable rates along with experienced and patient tutoring geared towards aiding your child in expanding his or her verbal and math skills.
If your child is struggling or just enjoys learning and wants to get ahead, tutoring is a great way to build his or her confidence in these important subjects and maybe even make his or her school life less stressful.
Patient and creative instruction is given with an experienced tutor. Many wonderful references may be obtained by parents upon request.
Some of the students who are being tutored either attend or have been accepted to schools such as Mark Twain, MS 51, The Lab School, Berkeley Carroll, Packer, Bronx Science, Murrow, Beacon, Stuyvesant, La Guardia, Brooklyn Tech, Bard, Hunter HS, etc.
Math Topics include: basic mathematics, Math A, Math B, pre-algebra, algebra, advanced algebra, geometry, proofs, logic, matrices, trigonometry, pre-calculus, calculus, etc.
English topics include: spelling, grammar, reading comprehension, reading skills, literary critical analysis, essay writing, creative writing, etc.
Test Prep: 7th grade test, PSAT, SAT, SAT II, SSHSAT (Specialized High School Admissions Test), ISEE, SSAT, HSPT, Regents, CBAT, ACT, etc...
Sessions are conducted in an open and relaxed environment at Ozzie's Coffee Shop located in Park Slope, Brooklyn, NYC 11215. Most students are tutored for an hour to two hours per week depending on the intensity of their course of study. Reasonable rates vary according to student needs.
For more information, to set up a time to meet or arrange a time-slot for your child, please contact by phone or e-mail. One of our tutors will contact you as soon as possible.
If your child is struggling or just enjoys learning and wants to get ahead, tutoring is a great way to build his or her confidence in these important subjects and maybe even make his or her school life less stressful.
Patient and creative instruction is given with an experienced tutor. Many wonderful references may be obtained by parents upon request.
Some of the students who are being tutored either attend or have been accepted to schools such as Mark Twain, MS 51, The Lab School, Berkeley Carroll, Packer, Bronx Science, Murrow, Beacon, Stuyvesant, La Guardia, Brooklyn Tech, Bard, Hunter HS, etc.
Math Topics include: basic mathematics, Math A, Math B, pre-algebra, algebra, advanced algebra, geometry, proofs, logic, matrices, trigonometry, pre-calculus, calculus, etc.
English topics include: spelling, grammar, reading comprehension, reading skills, literary critical analysis, essay writing, creative writing, etc.
Test Prep: 7th grade test, PSAT, SAT, SAT II, SSHSAT (Specialized High School Admissions Test), ISEE, SSAT, HSPT, Regents, CBAT, ACT, etc...
Sessions are conducted in an open and relaxed environment at Ozzie's Coffee Shop located in Park Slope, Brooklyn, NYC 11215. Most students are tutored for an hour to two hours per week depending on the intensity of their course of study. Reasonable rates vary according to student needs.
For more information, to set up a time to meet or arrange a time-slot for your child, please contact by phone or e-mail. One of our tutors will contact you as soon as possible.
In business since: 2005
Total Employees: 2-10
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Program Details
Cost & Availability
Type | Rate | Rate Type | Availability |
-- | -- | -- | -- |
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