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In-Home Daycare

Natural Mama Care

513 E Riviera Dr., Tempe, AZ 85282


Looking for one child to watch along with my daughter.
Great opportunity for more 1 on 1 attention with your baby/toddler
8$ per hour
1-4 days per week
meals provided
many ativities, outings, and crafts

Being a mother myself I understand how it feels to leave your baby. It's especially difficult when you want your baby to be treated with as much love and understanding as you give them. This is why having a mother as a babysitter is so great. Patience, kindness, and a great sense of humor are qualities that I carry.

I have a lovely 21 month old girl, named Zia, who I stay at home with. We enjoy going to parks, children's museum, library, Phoenix Zoo, splash pads, and much
more. Keeping a toddler inside all day can be quite tough so I have a theory of a minimum of an hour per day of outside time. In Arizona this is a skill but one that I've mastered.

When it is inside time there are activities such as yoga in the mornings, music play, dancing, coloring, painting, reading, along with many other craft projects. Learning the alphabet, counting, sign language, as well as feeling words happens everyday. When a tantrum starts to come up there is no yelling, shaming, or spanking. A gentle approach is used with words, hugs, and explanations of feelings.

Besides being a mother now I've been a child care taker since I was 13. I've watched babies from newborn to ages 15, from Arizona to
London, England where I am from. For the past year I have watched a little boy same age as Zia in my home. His parents have split and he spends part time in
a day care. Sadly this made him sick very often and brought those viruses into our home. Due to that I sadly had to end the service. No daycare affiliation
is a must.

Also am person who has a natural side, I love baby wearing, cloth diapers, basically living a more of a natural lifestyle. With my home I keep it very clean using mostly natural cleaners. I steam mop my floor to avoid harsh chemicals. In my home there's also two cats, a dog, and a very well behaved betta fish, all do great with babies.

We eat very healthy, must have daily vegetables and fruits. Juicing has become one of our favorite things plus its fun for toddlers to help with. Shop mostly at trader joes, I will be providing meals and snacks.In my home theres also two cats, a dog, and a very well behaved betta fish, all do great with babies. I do have a partner who is at work most of the time.

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513 E Riviera Dr., Tempe, AZ 85282

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We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or AZ's licensing department to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.

Licensing requirements typically include:

  • Complying with safety and health inspections
  • Achieving the required levels of educational training
  • Maintaining a minimum caregiver-to-child ratio
  • Other state-defined requirements


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This is an in-home daycare. Pools, firearms, unvetted individuals and other hazards may be present. By clicking "Request Information", you give permission to send your information to local childcare businesses (and, if applicable, their parents/franchisors) so they can contact you. only verifies daycare license status, and not any other information that this daycare has provided. We do not endorse any particular daycare. We strongly recommend you verify the qualifications, credentials, and other details of any daycare or caregiver you are considering.

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