In-Home Daycare
1082 Cayton Road, Florence, KY 41042
I charge $175 a week per child, or $35 a day if it's less than 3 days a week (part time) I charge $95 per child or $31.67. If it's more then 3days, it's considered a full week. If siblings price will be different.
$50 down payment that holds your spot. If you decide not to bring your child to my center isn't no-refundable. But if you think my center is not for you and your child I will refund $25.00. You pay for your spot, so if your child is not here you still pay. Unless he/ she is ill or in the hospital. Vacation is 1 week a year. My center is closed New Years Eve and Day, Martin Luther King Jr, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve and Day.
I am CPR certified, I've also worked in childcare for 22yrs.
I provided breakfast, lunch, & (2) snack.
Bring change of clothes that will stay in his/her cubby. Bring your own diapers/wipes for the first week and then afterwards I will provide.
We are always doing different arts & crafts, coloring, playing outside, dancing, music, learning, abc's, counting, colors, shapes and etc, ages vary so I try to do things that are good for each one of them! Not just a specific age.
We have a very set schedule and we stick to it as much as possible and nap time is 2 hours a day. If the child chooses not to go to sleep thats fine but they still have to rest, quiet time.
I open at 5:00am & close at 5:00pm. But soon I will offer 2nd shift- so my closing time will be 1am. And I will offer 1 Saturday out of the month, the price will be different then your set price. Up to 6hrs $50 and up to 10hrs $70. Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks will be provided as well.
I also always send updates and pictures to the parents through out the day, what we ate for each meal, how they acted, etc! As a parent myself, I would want all the above so I try to make sure they always know whats going on and what their child is doing. My door is an open door, if you see that I am doing something wrong please bring it to my attention we are adults and we can work through anything.
I love my kids and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
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1082 Cayton Road, Florence, KY 41042
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