Our personal caregivers provide care for a period of two to four hours at a time. They are available up to 24 hours a day depending on the type of care needed. We create a personalized care plan that fits preference and lifestyle of the individual.
Maximum Care offers -
screened and bonded professional caregivers
trained and insured caregivers
24 hour availability
quality assurance efforts on a regular basis
flexible scheduling
assistance with daily activities
skilled nursing
occupational therapy
Providing live-in care allows your loved one to enjoy good physical and emotional health while continuing to live in his or her home.…
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5373 W. Alabama St, Houston, TX 77056
We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or TX's licensing department to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.
Care.com verifies on a monthly basis that this facility has an active license to operate. Care.com only verifies the license of a business. Any other information, including awards and accreditation, hours, and cost, were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to verify the license, qualifications, and credentials of any care providers on your own. Care.com does not endorse or recommend any particular business.