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Marin Assisted Living


233 West End Ave, San Rafael, CA, 94901

About Marin Assisted Living

Marin Assisted Living is your extended family in Marin County.
Every day we strive to provide a healthy, caring, family environment for your loved one here in beautiful San Anselmo.

Aging at home can be isolating and lonely for elders.
It's exhausting to feel like you are the ONLY one involved in your loved one's well-being. You are not alone in this process, we re here to guide and support you.
Being part of a community is vital for a sense of worthiness and connection. We provide a stimulating environment toreduce feelings of loneliness, helplessness and boredom It takes a skilled team of professionals to design the right care plan. We provide daily exercise and social activities, key elements to healthy living. Your loved one needs a safe, nourishing environment Now. Don't put it off, come for a tour today.


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Services & Amenities

Location & Office hours

Marin Assisted Living

233 West End Ave, San Rafael, CA 94901

Licensing information

We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or CA's licensing department to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.

Licensing requirements typically include:

  • Maintaining a minimum caregiver-to-senior ratio
  • Other state-defined requirements
  • Complying with safety and health inspections

Get a personalized quote and availability information from Marin Assisted Living. verifies on a monthly basis that this facility has an active license to operate. only verifies the license of a business. Any other information, including awards and accreditation, hours, and cost, were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to verify the license, qualifications, and credentials of any care providers on your own. does not endorse or recommend any particular business.