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13395 San Marcos Pl, Chino, CA, 91710

About Liiight.werk

Liiight.Werk provides Reiki Healing sessions to individuals who are in need of relaxation to the body, mind and soul. Reiki is a Japanese technique that encourages rejuvenation to the body system and assists the body to heal at a faster rate from any aches, pains or illnesses. Reiki promotes the flow of Life Force Energy within the body while releasing any emotional stagnation that may be causing low energy or physical ailments. Relaxation happens when the blood, energy and oxygen are flowing with ease. Energyenters the body through breath and flows through the meridian channels increasing blood flow. Energy blockages can create stress, injury, trauma or bad living habits, such as a poor diet,addictions, or even a lack of exercise. When the blood, energy and oxygen are moving harmoniously the client becomes strong, healthy, and relaxed. Reiki is a hands on/ hands off technique and is a safe and alternative method to the Western tradition of medicine. Reiki can be channeled to a client by either being in person or distant healing. All that is needed is that both parties, the client and practitioner, set the intent to receive and give Reiki energy. Reiki works with the physical body on acute or chronic illness, such as heart disease, the flu, skin conditions, fatigue and more. It also strengthens the immune system helping the body to defend for any dis-eases. Reiki works with the mental body by giving the opportunity to clear old issues and addictions, calming the mind, stress release and mental strength and confidence. It also works with the emotional body by balancing the emotional highs and lows, such as depression, sadness, insomnia, and fear-based illness while bringing in happiness, joy, inspiration, gratitude, contentment and Love. Lastly, Reiki works with the Spiritual body by strengthening connections to people and all things, helps to let go of judgments, clears self-limiting beliefs, and opens yourself up to your Intuition, new perceptions and opportunities! This helps you lead a more purposeful life! This is a different and drug-less approach to health by allowing you to take responsibility for your own healing process!


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13395 San Marcos Pl, Chino, CA 91710

Licensing information

We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or CA's licensing department to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.

Licensing requirements typically include:

  • Maintaining a minimum caregiver-to-senior ratio
  • Other state-defined requirements
  • Complying with safety and health inspections

Get a personalized quote and availability information from Liiight.werk. verifies on a monthly basis that this facility has an active license to operate. only verifies the license of a business. Any other information, including awards and accreditation, hours, and cost, were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to verify the license, qualifications, and credentials of any care providers on your own. does not endorse or recommend any particular business.