Kizito Group
Kizito Group
2029 S Hannibal ST F,
At Care.com, we realize that cost of care is a big consideration for families. That's why we are offering an estimate which is based on an average of known rates charged by similar businesses in the area. For actual rates, contact the business directly.
Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care provider.
A 10% discount applies to every new client and for every referral you bring to our business.
About the business
Our business offers all services on demand. Do you need transportation to the airport? A medical appointment, Did the kids miss their bus? Or you need to go on a long one way trip, we meet all your transportation needs and you can pay in any format cash, card, check. We also offer errand services, grocery shopping! Just give us the list and we will bring your shopping needs at your home or office. Or maybe you have an office meeting and need breakfast taken care of...just let us know in advance and we meet those needs while you get your business and guests priorities in motion.
In business since: 2011
Total Employees: 1
Care.com has not verified this business license.
We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or
state licensing department
to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.
The Care.com Safety Center
has many resources and tools to assist you in verifying and evaluating
potential care providers.
Cost & Availability
Type | Rate | Rate Type | Availability |
-- | -- | -- | -- |
- Personal Check|
- Cash|
- Credit Card
A 10% discount applies to every new client and for every referral you bring to our business.
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