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In-Home Daycare

Jenny's Home Daycare

80 W. Prairiefield Ave, Cortland, IL 60112


Jenny's Home Daycare (Member of 4-C)

Jennifer Fraedrich
80 W. Prairiefield Ave.
Cortland, IL 60112

I will provide an environment where your child will feel safe, nurtured, and loved, much like they feel in their own home. They will be allowed to explore safe play areas both indoors and out. They will enjoy group activities including reading, games, and art activities. We will also explore our community by going to various playgrounds, the library, and occasionally take a field trip. I will provide healthy meals and snacks and a comfortable napping area. Most importantly, your child will receive lots of love and understanding.

Jenny's Home Daycare Policies:

Rates Hourly- Anything under 5 hours will be charged the hourly rate of $7.50 per hour.

Daily- Anything 5 hours and over per day and less than 5 days per week will be charged
the daily rate of $35.00 per day.

Weekly- Anything 5 hours and over per day and 5 days per week will be charged the
weekly rate of $150.00 per week.

Payment is to be made on a weekly basis on Monday (or the first day of care) each week for that week. Any alternative payment schedule is to be discussed and agreed upon by both parties in advance.

Deposit To hold a place for your child in my daycare home, a deposit of $300.00 (or 2 weeks' pay) will be required. That sum will be applied to the first week of care as well as the final week of care.

Holidays The following are considered paid holidays for me:

-New Year's Day -Labor Day
-Memorial Day -Thanksgiving Day
-Fourth of July -Christmas Day

Days Off When I take days off for any reason, you will not be expected to pay me for that day(s).
From time to time, I will need to take a day off. When this happens, it will be in your
best interest to have a backup provider because, unfortunately, I cannot provide one. I
will try to give 2 weeks or more notice when I take time off. Typically, I take one week
off at Christmas time. I will schedule that time off usually in October or early November.

When your child will not be in attendance on a normal day of care, for any reason,
payment will still be required for those days missed.

Illness Your child will not be allowed to come to my home if he/she has:

1. Had a fever of 100 f or more in the last 24 hours.
2. Been vomiting in the last 24 hours.
3. Had diarrhea in the last 24 hours.
4. Been on an antibiotic for less than 24 hours for anything except an ear infection.

Other infectious illnesses (ie. Strep, chicken pox...) will be dealt with on a case by case basis with a doctor's recommendation.

Discipline Children under 2 years of age:
I find that simply removing the child from the situation with a short verbal reprimand in a non-threatening way is all that is necessary.

Children 2 years of age and older:
I find that "timeouts" in minutes equal to years of age, with a discussion of the problem work well with older children.

I will NEVER use physical means to discipline your child, nor will I use verbal means that will humiliate or belittle him/her.

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80 W. Prairiefield Ave, Cortland, IL 60112

Center Highlights


Age Range
Monthly Rate

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We strongly encourage you to contact this provider directly or IL's licensing department to verify their license, qualifications, and credentials.

Licensing requirements typically include:

  • Complying with safety and health inspections
  • Achieving the required levels of educational training
  • Maintaining a minimum caregiver-to-child ratio
  • Other state-defined requirements


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This is an in-home daycare. Pools, firearms, unvetted individuals and other hazards may be present. By clicking "Request Information", you give permission to send your information to local childcare businesses (and, if applicable, their parents/franchisors) so they can contact you. only verifies daycare license status, and not any other information that this daycare has provided. We do not endorse any particular daycare. We strongly recommend you verify the qualifications, credentials, and other details of any daycare or caregiver you are considering.

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