GirlPhoria, Inc.
GirlPhoria, Inc.
125 Hwy A1A,
Satellite Beach,
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About the business
GirlPhoria Lounge
Ages: 12-17yrs This weekly series is perfect for teen girls. Instructor and founder of GirlPhoria, Inc, Allison Kimmey, leads sessions on self love, self discovery and self care. Each class will focus on a different principle, including foundations of meditation and visualization, body positive techniques, whole foods and fueling your body, the search for your purpose and how to live a life by design, along with Pilates/Yoga routines. A special gift is included at each class! This is the perfect after school extracurricular to provide a sense of community, and a safe place to be exactly who you are. Students will leave with the self confidence to conquer anything! Yoga mats are provided.
Cost: $35/Month or $10 drop in, paid directly to the instructor.
Dates: Every Tuesday - Jan 5-26, Feb 2-23, Mar 1-29 (No class 3/22), Apr 5-26
Times: 4:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
Instructor: Allison Kimmey.
Location: DRS Community Center - Meeting Room.
Ages: 12-17yrs This weekly series is perfect for teen girls. Instructor and founder of GirlPhoria, Inc, Allison Kimmey, leads sessions on self love, self discovery and self care. Each class will focus on a different principle, including foundations of meditation and visualization, body positive techniques, whole foods and fueling your body, the search for your purpose and how to live a life by design, along with Pilates/Yoga routines. A special gift is included at each class! This is the perfect after school extracurricular to provide a sense of community, and a safe place to be exactly who you are. Students will leave with the self confidence to conquer anything! Yoga mats are provided.
Cost: $35/Month or $10 drop in, paid directly to the instructor.
Dates: Every Tuesday - Jan 5-26, Feb 2-23, Mar 1-29 (No class 3/22), Apr 5-26
Times: 4:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
Instructor: Allison Kimmey.
Location: DRS Community Center - Meeting Room.
In business since: 2015
Total Employees: 1
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Cost & Availability
Type | Rate | Rate Type | Availability |
-- | -- | -- | -- |
- Cash|
- Credit Card
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